Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: The Last One Pt 3

Author's Note: Hey guys, welcome back to another part of Chapter 25. I know you guys are actually excited about this. I told you guys that I was going to be consistent and finish it finally. I just finally found the inspiration and time and effort needed to work on it. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally showing through.

Talking: "Talking"

Thinking: 'Thinking'

Bijuu Speaking: "Bijuu Speaking"

Chapter 25-3: The Last One

Madara laughed. He laughed more than he ever had in his life. A woman who thought she could outmaneuver and destroy him, only fell to her demise. She was cast away a second time and finally gone from the equation. She was a major thorn in his side and tried to destroy everything that he worked so hard to achieve. His work to create the Infinite Tsukuyomi and cast everyone into a dream that would last forever, wasn't so farfetched now that she was gone. He knew that he had Naruto to deal with, but with the added efforts of Sasuke now conforming to his beliefs, he didn't have to worry about Naruto as much as he thought he would.

Even if Naruto were to eliminate Sasuke, Naruto would have run out of power by then and would make it easier for Madara to finish him off. Madara knew that he had this win in the bag. All he had to take care of were the Kage. He had been killing ninja left and right and causing mayhem with each attack. The ninja were always falling hopeless beneath him as he ran through them and ended their lives. He almost felt sorry for them and their weakness.


Tsunade watched as the countless ninja were being taken out. Her teeth grit as she watched Madara savagely destroy waves and waves of shinobi. No one could do anything to stop this mass of power and strength that seemed to have come from nowhere.

She was reminded heavily of how he stabbed Konan and left her for dead. Her fists clenched tightly in her reminiscing. What could she do? She felt helpless. She wanted to run to Konan's aid and help her, but Madara had already begun to devastate the area and countless people. She felt sorry for Konan but ultimately, couldn't do anything at that moment to heal her. She needed to hold on to whatever chakra she had left, which wasn't enough as it was, "Where is Naruto?"

"Good question."

Tsunade looked up shocked at hearing Madara before her. She saw him off in the distance perched on top of a large rock. His lone eye scanned down below him intimidatingly. Her eyes scrunched in anger as he butted in on her train of thoughts. She knew better though. She had to remain calm. She needed to focus.

"Naruto is off dealing with another person at the moment," Madara said in disinterest, "Therefore, you and I will be fighting against each other. Actually," Madara gazed at each Kage lazily, "You all will attack me. I'll at least give you a fair shot."

Gaara was frightened by the sheer power that Madara seemed to have acquired. He knew something was off about everything that was going on. He could feel it in his bones. Almost like a lost feeling that seemed to be magnetically pulling him subconsciously towards Madara, "You absorbed the Bijuu haven't you?"

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