Chapter 14

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OFF'S pov

I was sitting beside Jane when that embarrassing thing happened. He has still not looked up after that . It was so awkward and I think Jane also felt that so she started taking.

"Okay so how about we introduce ourselves?" Jane asked 

"Sure!" Finally he looked up and said anything.

"Okay so let me start it." Jane said clearing her throat. "So my name is Jane Phunsawat, nice to meet you I am a 2nd year art communication."

"Umm... hi I am T..ay Tawan." Ufff I have to teach him how to talk now. 

"Hello my name is Off , Tay and I are both 3rd year communication art." I said keeping my eye contact with him. Aghhhh... what the fuck is happening. Okay Off focus think think about Gun. Okay decided I am definitely going to meet Gun today.

"Okay now your turn cuties" Jane said pointing towards New and that shorty.

"Oh ! Well my name is New  . I am a freshman, nice to meet you all." New said looking toward Tay . Ohhhh how obvious can they be. 

Well let's see I am finally going to know his name , Yes! 

Wait a sec what the fuck afhhhhh. I am going to kill Tay. If it isn't for him I will not be sitting here.

"Hello I am also a freshman here and my name is Gun." WTF

No no no this is not true I looked towards Jane and I saw her eyes watering. No he doesn't have a same name . How the hell this could happen. No same names are quite common.

" is your middle name?" Jane asked . Actually I told her about how I felt she doesn't believe me he'll I can't even believe myself. 

"Gun Attaphan" why?

"NO" I shouted no this can't fucking be true.

"What why are you shouting?"

"Your middle name can't be that." I looked towards Jane and she was shocked. I know what is she feeling.

"And why not" shit I don't know what to do . Gun , My Gun no he is dead , maybe it's a coincidence. 

I saw Jane standing up immediately, in her eyes confusion, sadness, regret filled. This is hard I know Jane . She always act tough but I know that she is not that is just a facades so she doesn't worry me or our parents.

"Ex..cuse m..e , I got to go , sor...ry sorry." Before going she was already crying. I looked towards Gun and New they were shocked about what was happening. 

I looked towards Tay and he gave me an understanding look, I ran towards Jane without saying anything. I am sooo shocked myself but right now I have to be strong, not for me but Jane.

GUN'S pov

What the hell just happened? 

I really didn't understand anything, nope not a single thing. I just told my name and middle name and P'Jane started crying and P'Off looked more devastated than ever. I looked towards Newwie who just had the same confusion as me . 

I looked towards P'Tay. I don't know I am not someone who would be interested in anyone else problem but this time I wanted it to know soooo badly that what happened that made telling my name devastated P'Off and made P'Jane cry.

I looked towards P'Tay and asked him.

"Ummmm.... P'Tay I don't want to pry but what happened. Why P'Jane and P'Off were so shocked."

"Nong I don't think so it is my place to tell you these things so I am sorry but just for you to feel good , I can just tell you that there was a person who was more important for them than their own lives and they have still not overcome the death of him . And the most shocking thing which devastated them is that you have the same name and same middle name as his."


I can't think , so that's why P'Off suddenly shouted. I could not concentrate on food now and now my thought were filled with P'Off and P'Jane . P'Tay and new started talking, well more like flirting. 

But I have suddenly no idea how I was feeling.

OFF'S pov

I ran behind Jane and saw her enter the car. I slowly made my way towards Jane's car and slid into the front seat. She hid her face in her hands and did not looked up, I hugged her from side so that I could comfort her. 

After crying for a few minutes she looked up with a sad face and her eyes held a sadness which no one can ever turn it into happiness. She hugged me now half sitting on my lap. 

"P'Off I mi...s Gunnie. I really miss him." She said sobbing a little 

"Shhhh... Jane don't cry I know you do , hell I also do but he can't be our Gun. Our Gun is dead."

"No no P'Off look into his eyes , you also told me you got that feeling. Today when I sat and had a eye contact it was same .  His features his lips , everything P'Off."

"I don't know Jane."

Hell I seriously don't know what to do .

"P'Off can.. can we go to meet Gun today please."

"Sure Jamie whatever you want."

"P'Off can we go now I don't want to go back to college. Can we skip today's class please."

Uhh I don't like skipping class but if this Is about Jane I can do anything, because only she is left for me after Gun.

"Sure, common let's go , wait let me call Tay and tell him."


I called Tay and and after a few rings he picked up


"Hello Tay, me and Jane are skipping class today, Jane wants to see Gun, and she is not well so we are going there and after that we will go home straight."

"Awww... you both are ditching me , I hate you."


"I know Peng, I am joking. Take care of Jane , I will talk you tomorrow. Bye"

"Yeah bye."

"And peng.."


"Be strong!"

"I know thanks"

I cut the phone and drove off to the grave. Tay may joke around but I know he cares more about Jane than himself. He was there when me and Jane were the most broken.

I kept thinking about what Jane said the whole drive. Maybe we can figure that out later. 


Guys here an update . 

Ufff exams are really hell irritating.

I have my first exam tomorrow but I was tired of studying so came to write.

Thanks for reading guys.

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