Chapter 15

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Jane pov

I was sitting in a car with P'Off , looking out of the window . We were going to the graveyard . Everything I saw today was telling me to believe my eyes but then this question arises that how is that even possible.

Gun, My Gun whose dead body I saw with my own eyes , whose body was berried in front of my own eyes can come after these many years and stand and talk to me.

I felt a tear touched my cheeks , those eyes , that smile and that same name , how is that even possible.

P'Off stopped the car and was getting out when I stopped him, I know I am being selfish but I want alone time with my brother.

"P'Off can you please wait in the car , I want to see Gun alone."

"ummm... are you sure?"

"Yes !"

"Okay go I will wait for you here."

"Thanks "

"No problem"

I got off the car and went in the direction of his stone. His favorite flower Lily was with me.

I kept it on the stone and sat there staring it. I remembered all the time wee played, his smile,his eyes. And then one day all of that gone . I blinked and a tear escaped my eyes.

"Gun , was I..... was I a bad sister to you? Did you hate me? If not then why did you leave me? why did you leave P'Off, our parents. Leave it maybe I never will get to know , today I didn't came to complain. Today something happened . You know baby bother I met this boy , his name and middle name is same as yours and not only that his eyes is also same to same beautiful as yours. When he smiles I remember you .

It looks like I am seeing a version of yours when you are in college. I don't know what to do. My heart says that I should envestigate about this more but then it confuses me that you are no more. What do I do Gunnie tell me. What should I do ?"

I sat there crying my heart out. I can't stay silent , I have to do something. If I will ignore these things maybe it would not be a good choice. Yes! i will.

I stand on my feet and started walking towards the car. I turn around for a while to see the stone of my brother. And after seeing it again I decided that I will do something about it.

I entered the car and P'Off looked at me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I am "

"hmm .. Okay let's go, we will go home , you are not looking good."


"P'Off you remember you promised me that you are willing to do anything for me?"

"Jane, look at me!"

I picked up my face and looked into his eyes. He reached my ears and tucked one straind of it behind my ears and said

"Jane , after Gun left I told you I can't loose you, and when I promised that I meant it I will do anything for my sister. So what do you want me to do?hmm?"

"P'Off can you please help me with Nong Gun?"

"What! help but how Jane?"

"P'off I know that Gun is no more but P my heart says something else. After today my heart says that somewhere This nong gun is connected to our Gun. Please help me P'Off . And I know you also think that."


"No ....... Please P'Off I know you are afraid of that 'what if' thing but there is no harm in taking a chance right? P'Off just please , just for me can you take a chance?"


"P'Off ! don't listen to that head of yours."

I took his hand and kept it on his heart

"Listen to your heart. What does your heart want , I know this is difficult. It is for me to but your heart is willing to take a chance and mine too. then let's take a chance p"


"YES! thank you P'Off"

"hmmm... now let's go home you are still looking pale."

I looked out of the window, I don't know what will happen but I know that talking a chance is not bad.
Gun's pov
Me and new went home after college . New was smiling from ear to ear because he got to talk to P'Tay today.
But if you ask about me I am still shocked and worried about P'Jane and P'Off , they never came back to college after they left , I asked P'Tay about them while going into my next class and he told me that P'Jane was not feeling well so she went home with P'Off.
I could not help but think who that person is and what happened to that person that even after so many years he left this huge impact on both of them.
That by just listening to the same name P'Jane eyes were filled with so sadness.

After sometime we reached home and New can't stop telling dad he talked to P'Tay. Ufff how obvious can they both be. We went to have dinner after we refreshed and dad and new were talking. Dad suddenly turn to me and said.
"Gun what happened? You are never this quiet."
"Oh nothing dad it's just that today some senior became sad and I was just thinking about it."
"Oh okay then but don't think too much I don't like you being silent."
"Yes dad, ummm dad can you search someone for me."
"I can see if I can who did you want to find about."
"Ummm can you search someone named Jane phunsawat. I want to know about her and her family."
"Hmmm okay I will see if I can find something."
"Thanks dad you are the best."
"I know! Come on let's eat and go and sleep you have to go to college tomorrow."
"Yes dad!"
We all three finished eating and I and new went to our room. I know this is not my biological family, hell I don't even know who my biological family is but this mismatch family is the best thing in my entire life.
Hi guys I am back
Good news my test our over so I am gonna finish this book as soon as possible.
So please look forward to it.

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