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A girl with short black grayish hair was walking in the airport with the luggage.

She looked around her and saw someone. She smiled and walked to him as he also walked to her.

"Welcome back, Ms. Jo Yuri. I'm glad you're here now." said him. The girlㅡYuri laughed softly.

"Yes I'm happy cause I already back to Korea, Mr. Kim. How's mom and dad?"  ask Yuri as her driver, Mr. Kim grabbed her luggage.

"They are doing good, Ms. Yuri. Just they miss you so much." they both laughed and walked to the car.

"I miss them too." reply Yuri and Mr. Kim opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." Mr. Kim nodded and he go to the driver seat. He drove them home.

"How's there, Ms. Yuri?" ask Mr. Kim.

"Yeahh it's so much fun, uncle. Being at there for 3 years really make my day. How about aunty? Is she good?"

asked Yuri gently. Mr. Kim laughed and then he nodded.

"She's doing well, Ms. Yuri. She always talk about you. She really missed you." they laughed together.

Mr. Jo and Ms. Jo smiled when they saw a black car entered and parking at the garage. Yuri went out from the car and run to her parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Yuri yelled and hugged her parents tightly. They hugged their daughter back.

"We miss you, Yuri." said Ms. Jo as she wipe her tears.

Yuri pouted and wipe her mom's tears. "I miss you guys too. Don't be sad. I'm already here." said Yuri as she clings her arms at Ms. Jo arms.

"So how's Japan? It's good or not?" ask Mr. Jo as they walked into the house and go to the living room.

Mr. Kim grabbed Yuri's luggage and put it at the stairs.

They sit down. "It's so good dad! I really love Japan! I love studies at there." answered Yuri happily make her parents laugh.

"Sorry if I'm asking but how's your life after that?"

ask Mr. Jo seriously. Make Yuri laughed fade away. Ms. Jo held her hands tight.

"Honey don't asked her about that." mad Ms. Jo at her husband. Mr. Jo sighed.

"I just wanna know our daughter condition. That's all." Yuri shook her head.

"It's okay mom. Dad is right. Yes, I'm okay.. I already move on from my past. But.." Mr. Jo raised her eyesbrows.

"But what, Yuri? Something bad happen? Tell me." said Mr. Jo seriously. Yuri sighed then she nodded.

"Yes.. She bothering me again, dad. She know that I was in Japan but luckily she didn't meet me." answer Yuri.

Mr. and Ms. Jo sighed.

"She said she will never give up for me. I'm scared dad, mom. She will not stop bothering me until I accept her again. I don't want her dad. She broke my heart already." Yuri added.

She felt so scared. Her mom hugged her tight. "How, honey? It can be more dangerous. Maybe now she know Yuri was in Korea back." said Ms. Jo worriedly.

"I will think about it. Let me think okay?" ask Mr. Jo and they nodded.

"Now, you need to rest, Yuri. You must be tired." said Ms. Jo and she smiles bitterly. Yuri nodded.

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