MB - twenty

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That night, Yena didn't talk with Yuri. Even a little. Yuri know the older still upset with her. Yena literally ignored her.

Yuri saw Yena was watching tv. She bite her lips. Yuri held her hands tight.

She want to made up with Yena. Slowly, she reach to Yena.

Yena saw her but she ignored Yuri. She close the tv.

She was about to stood up but Yuri suddenly sit on her lap and hugged her tight. Yena was shocked.

But she keep her cold face. "Unnie.." call Yuri slowly. Yena looked. Yuri lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, Yena unnie.. I supposed not to said like that. I should believe you. I-I'm just scared if you will leave me."

explained Yuri then her tears fall down. Yuri lift her head up and meet Yena's cold eyes.

She then held Yena's face and careless gently.

Yena just staring at her. "Don't cry." said Yena and she wipe Yuri's tears.

Yuri shook her head. This is not what she want to hear!

She want to hear that Yena forgive her! Yuri crying again. "No. You didn't forgive me yet. I know it's my fault.. Please Yenㅡ"

Yuri was cutted off when Yena lean closer to her and kiss her lips softly.

Yuri a little bit surprised. But then, she wrap her arms at Yena's neck and kissed her back.

Yuri pulled Yena more to her. She really misses Yena even the older just ignored her since that morning.

Yena wrap her arms to Yuri's waist.

Yena broke the kisses and look at Yuri. One of her hands wipe Yuri's tears away.

"I forgive you. Okay, baby?" Yuri look at her. "R-Really?" Yena nodded then she smiles.

Yuri finally smile back. She hugged Yena. "Thank you Yena. I'm sorry again." Yena giggles. They broke the hug.

"You're my wife. I can't be mad at you longer. I miss you." Yena answer, make Yuri laugh softly.

"Shall we continue in our room?" ask Yena seductively. Yuri suddenly blushing.

Without knowing Yuri's answer, Yena kiss her lips and lift Yuri to their room.

2 days later

Yuri looked at Yena who was walked outside the house.

"Yena where are you going?" ask Yuri curiously.

Yena turn around and smiles. "I want to meet Chaewon. We want to hang out together. You wanna join?"

Yuri shook her head.

"Nahh it's okay, love. I will just stay at home. I'm tired." answer Yuri.

Yena lean closer to her. "Are you okay? Are you sick?" ask Yena worriedly.

Yuri laugh. "No I'm not. I'm just don't want to go out." Yena nodded.

"But, are you sure, you will okay here alone? Gyuri mightㅡ"

Yena was cutted off when suddenly Yuri peck on her lips.

"I will be okay, Yena. Don't worry." answer Yuri, tried to make Yena believe.

Yena sigh then she nodded. "I will call Minju to accompany you here okay?"

Yuri just nodded. She can't say no to her wife.

Yena smiles. "I will go now. Take care." Yuri nodded and Yena kissed her forehead. They bid a goodbye.

YURI was watching tv alone. Minju still didn't appeared since 20 minutes ago.

She said she will be late. Yuri eat the snacks while waiting for Minju.

Suddenly, a loud bell ringing. Yuri looked. "That must be her."

Yuri said and stood up. She look at the window but she raised her eyesbrows when she don't see anything.

"Where is her car? Did she come here with taxi?" ask Yuri weirdly. She shrugged her shoulder.

Yuri go to open the door. She felt weird when she saw nothing in front of her. "Minju ahh are you here?" ask Yuri loudly.

But there's not answer. "Minju isn't here.. but I'm here, dear."

Yuri felt goosebumps. Her legs are weak when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

Slowly, she turn behind her. Gyuri smirked. "G-Gyuri.." said Yuri. Her eyes was full with tears. Gyuri smiles.

"Miss me, dear?" ask Gyuri as she lean closer to Yuri.

Yuri stepped back and she want to run leaving the house but Gyuri was faster than her.

She grabbed Yuri's wrist and pulled her. Gyuri pulled out a handkerchief and put it at Yuri's mouth.

Yuri tried to escape herself but she can't.

Slowly, her body become weak and she fainted in Gyuri's arms. Gyuri smirked again.

MINJU walked to Yuri's house. She felt weird when the main door was open.

"Yuri? Are you in there? Why did you let the door opened? It's dangerous!" said Minju.

But silent. Minju sigh. She walked into the house. She shocked when saw the tv still open and the snacks was on the table.

"Oh god! Yuri where are you?!" shouted Minju, she scared if something bad happen to Yuri.

Minju walked to upstairs and search for Yuri. But she can't found her.

"Yuri it's not funny okay?! Now get out!" mad Minju.

Her tears finally fall down. She was very sure that Yuri wasn't in her house!

Quickly, she take out her phone and dialled Yena's number.

Hey Min. What's wrong?

Unnie! P-Please come home now.. P-Please..

Wait Min. Something bad happen? Where is Yuri?

I-I don't fucking know unnie! Come here! I-I'm scared..

Okay! Wait for me!

Yena ended the call. Minju burst out. "Yuri w-where are you?" ask herself.

Just a short chapter cause I lazy to write in this chapter hahahaa😂hope you enjoyed it♥

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