MB - twenty one

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Yena and Chaewon run into her house. They saw Minju was crying at the sofa.

Quickly, Chaewon run to her and hugged her tightly.

Minju burst out her tears on Chaewon's shoulder.

"What happen? Tell me!" asked Yena and Minju shook her head.

"I-I don't know too.. When I c-come, Yuri wasn't here a-anymore. I'm sorry, unnie.."

explained Minju. Yena gritted her teeth and punched the wall. Both Minju and Chaewon shocked.

"That Gyuri.." Yena mumbled. She stroke her light brown hair roughly.

"Yena, calm down okay?" ask Chaewon gently.

"How I want to calm down, Chae?! That crazy woman have Yuri with her! She might do something!" answer Yena frustrated.

Chaewon nodded want to calm down her bestfriend.

"I know Yena. But calm down first. Okay? We need to solve this problem." reply Chaewon gently.

When Yena was about to speak, suddenly her phone was ringing.

Yena look and saw it's unknown number. "It's Gyuri." said Yena.

Chaewon told her to do a loud speaker. Yena obeyed her friend.

Hey Choi Yena..

Where are Yuri?! Don't you dare to touch her!

Chill, bro. Chill okay? I just play with Yuri. I borrow her for a while okay? Later.. I will brought her back to you. But I will give her dead body..

Fuck you, Gyuri! I swear I will kill you! Don't touch my wife!!

Hahahaha.. Are you sure you can kill me? If you kill me, then I will die with your lovely wife.

Ahh I will hang up the call okay? Get ready to heard about your wife's dead?

Gyuri youㅡ

Yena couldn't finished her words when Gyuri ended the call. Yena throw her phone.

"ARGHH!!" yelled her.

"Now, what we gonna do?" ask Yena as her tears fall down.

"I think.. I know where did she hide Yuri." answer Chaewon and then she look at Minju.

Minju was confused but then her eyes widely open. Yena just looked.

YURI open her eyes. Her head was heavy and dizzy. She looked around her. Her hands were tied up.

She tried to stand up but she can't because her legs also were tied. She cough a little.

"Oh you're awake, my dear." Yuri can hear a voice speak in the dark room.

She look around her once again.

Suddenly, the room wasn't dark after Gyuri open the lamps.

Yuri lift her head up. She shocked and tried to escape but she failed.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now