MB - twelve

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Yena stopped in front of Yuri's house. Yuri turn to her and smile.

"Thank you Yena." said Yuri. Yena nodded. Yuri was about to go out but Yena held her wrist.

Yuri stopped and turn. "Why?" ask Yuri. Yena smiled awkwardly.

"Emm.. did you free tomorrow?" ask Yena.

Yuri raised her eyesbrows. She thinking for a minute. "Yes I'm free. Why did you ask?"

ask Yuri back and Yena smiled wider.

"Let's go out tomorrow. To the shopping mall? If you don't want, then its okay." said Yena. Her hands still held Yuri wrist tightly.

Yuri smiles. She nods. "Of course I want. So, see you tomorrow? At 10.00 a.m.?" Yena nodded.

She pulled out her hands from Yuri. "Bye Yuri." "Bye Yena."

Yuri bid a goodbye then she walked out from Yena's car.

Yena drive away. Yuri smiles. "You really made my day." she mumbled and walk into her house.

YENA keep smiling when Yuri want to go out with her tomorrow. She felt so happy and her brother realised it.

"Why did you smiled, ducky? Finally after a week you smiled again. Care to share?"

ask Sungmin. Yena turn to him and glared.

"Tch.. Mind off your business, bro. Don't bother me." Sungmin facepalmed.

"I just wanna know. Don't be mad, dumb." Yena stick her tongue out. Sungmin stood up and pushed Yena head.

He quickly run to her room. "Yah, oppa!" Yena shouted madly.

Sungmin laughed. "Sorry ducky!" reply Sungmin.

Yena rolled her eyes. Then, she smiling back. "Tomorrow must be great." she said and go to the kitchen.

The Next Day (sorry for fast forward hehe🤣)

Yena go downstairs with wearing a long trouser with black t-shirt. She tied her hair up and wear a cap.

Yena go to the dining table and saw Ms. Choi was eating alone. "Hey mom!"

greeted Yena. Ms. Choi lift her head up and smiles. "Hey dear. Where did you wanna go?" ask her mom.

Yena smiles. "I want to go out with Yuri. By the way where is dad and oppa?"

ask Yena and Ms. Choi sips her water.

"Dad going to play golf with his friends. Your oppa met her friends too." Yena nodded.

Then she kiss Ms. Choi cheeks. "I will going now. Bye mom!"

Yena run to the main door. Ms. Choi shook her head. "Take care, dear!" shouted Ms. Choi and then she smiles.

YENA drive her car to Yuri's house. On her way to the younger's house, all of a sudden there was a girl cross the street in front of her.

Yena was startled and stopped her car. Her heart best fast. "Are she crazy?!" Yena mad and walked out from her car.

"Hey! Are you crazy?! Don't you see that I was driving?"

asked Yena but the girl just silent. She pulled out her hoodie and stared at Yena.

Yena shocked. "Who are you?" ask her again. The girl laughed sarcastically. Yena tried to remember her.

"Aren't you.. the girl that bumped into Yuri last day and tried to do something to her?"

Gyuri laughed again. "So your name are Choi Yena." Yena sighed madly.

"And you must be Gyuri." Gyuri nodded.

"Don't tried to stop me, girl. Yuri is mine and I will get what is mine." said Gyuri and Yena laughed sarcastically.

"Who said she's yours? She's mine! And I won't let you.. a stalker yet psycho get Yuri."

reply Yena coldly. Gyuri gritted her teeth. She pulled out her knife and want to stab Yena but the girl avoided and they fight.

Yena punched Gyuri's face. Gyuri lips are bleeding but she don't care.

Gyuri responds to Yena's punch making Yena fall to the road.

Gyuri keep punching her and the girl wanted to stab Yena again but Yena dodged and the knife stabbed her palm.

Yena screamed in pain.

Gyuri smirked. When Gyuri wanted to stab Yena again, suddenly there was a car passing by and the driver saw what was happening.

Gyuri immediately kept running from there.

Yena yelped in pain. The driver, get out from his car and go to Yena. "Miss are you okay? Let me send you to the hospital."

said him. Yena shook her head. "N-No. I want to g-go somewhere. There was more i-important than hospital." answer Yena and tried to stand up.

The man help her. "Then let me send you to that place." Yena just nodded.

YURI pouted. She keep looking at her watch. "It's almost a hour but she didn't coming yet. Where are you Yena?" ask Yuri.

She waiting for Yena outside of her house. She already been there since a hour ago. But now Yena still didn't show herself yet.

Yuri sighed. "Maybe she's busy and forgot her promise." Yuri mumbled and her face changed. She felt sad.

She turn around. Whwn she was about to walkdd back inside her house, suddenly a car stopped in front of her. Yuri felt weird.

A man walked out from the car and go to the passenger seat. He opened the door and it revealed Yena. Yuri shocked.

"Yena what happen to you?" ask Yuri worriedly. She help the man bring Yena outside of his car.

"What happen to her, mr?" ask Yuri to the man.

"I saw she being stabbed by a girl and the girl left just like that. I want to send her to the hospital but she's refused." answer the man.

Yuri nodded. "Thank you." the man nodded and they bowed to each other. He left Yuri and Yena. Yena was weak.

"Yena.. What happen to you?" Yuri's tone has changed. She was about to cry. Quickly, she bring Yena inside her house.

Ms. Kim was shocked when she saw what happen. She run to Yuri to help the girl.

"What happen, Ms. Yuri?" ask her.

"I will tell later. Now please get me the first aid kit." Ms. Kim nodded and run to get the kit.

Yuri bring Yena to her room. She open the door and make Yena sat on her bed.

Ms. Kim walked to her and gave the first aid kit to Yuri.

After that, she closed the door and continue her job. Yuri immediately treat Yena's wound. She look at Yena.

The older already close her eyes. Maybe she sleeping because of tiredness.

And then, the tears fall down on Yuri's cheeks. "Who do this to you? Is it Gyuri?" ask Yuri to herself.

to be continued...

Hope you guys enjoys this chapter and keep voting my story!♥

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