MB - six

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Yuri look in front of her. She just speechless. Yena turn to her and smiled.

"Let's go?" said Yena.

Yuri look at her and nodded. They go out from the car and walked and stood in front of Yena's car.

Yena took a breath of fresh air. She smiled to Yuri.

"It's good right? Being in here?" asked Yena. Yuri nodded, agree with the older.

"But why you took me here, unnie?" Yena chuckles.

"Just call me Yena. No need to call me unnie. I felt old." said Yena. Yuri laughed nervously.


"No buts."

Yena cutted her off. Yuri sighed and nodded. Yena then walked and sit on the grasss.

That time, Yena bring Yuri to the place that she used to be when she sad. It really calm her.

Yuri followed Yena and sit beside the girl.

"I always went here when I was sad or I need time to be alone. It's really calm me down. The air was very fresh and I can forget about my sadness." tell Yena and Yuri looked at her.

"And why did you bring me here unnㅡ I mean Yena?" Yena turn her head.

"I know you felt so sad right now. Just let it out. You will be okay, Yuri." answer Yena. She can read the sadness on Yuri's face.

Yuri looked down. She take a deep breath. How did she know that Yuri was so sad right now?

"H-How did you know that I'm sad?" ask Yuri slowly. Yena chuckles softly.

"I can see on your face, Yuri. You was so scared. You scared if your stalker kill people you love." Yuri couldn't hold it anymore.

She bite her lips and held her hands tight. Yena realized it and wrap her arms at Yuri's shoulder. Trying to calm down the younger.

"Yuri.. I know this is so sudden but I'm your bodyguard now. So.. Can you tell me what actually happen?"

asked Yena carefully. Yuri just silent.

Yena strech her neck. "B-But, it's okay if you don't waㅡ"

"The stalker is my ex." Yuri cutted Yena off. Yena shocked but then she nodded. Yuri sighed.

Yuri Pov

I sighed and looked down. "She's my ex girlfriend. Jang Gyuri. We met at the last year in middle school. Then after 1 year we're dating each other." I start to story.

Yena just looking at me, waiting for me to continue my speak.

I can feel my chest was heavy and the tears want to fall down at my cheeks. I just let it be.

"B-But, after 2 months we dating.. I-I caught she cheating on me with my friend, Sian. I was s-so mad and break up with her. B-But she said that she will get me back. I-I ignored her cause I thought she just kidding. But she really do what she said."

I crying too hard. Yena bite her lips and held her hands tight. I don't know why she acted like that.

"M-My aunty know about us. S-She meet her and scolding Gyuri infront of everyone. She said to h-her to not bothering me a-again. A-And then.. G-Gyuri k-killed my aunty. My a-aunty dead."

I look at Yena and she seems speechless. Seeing her face make my heart felt calm even a little.

She then look at me and wipe my tears away. Suddenly, she pulled me into a tight hug.

I really need someone to tell this shit out and I really need someone hugging me. Luckily, Yena who was I tell.

My new friend and my new bodyguard.

I hugged her back and rest my head on her chest. I just continue to crying, she rubbed my back gently.

"Don't worry, Yuri ahh.. I will take care of you. I will protect you forever." she said softly and tighten our hugged.

I nodded. I really scared right now. And I just realized something. I really like her warm.

She then broke our hugged make me felt a little sad but I covered it. She smiles looking at me.

"Now, what do you feel? It's more better?" she asked me. I nodded. Yet I smiled a little and looked down.

"Thank you, Yena. Really.. Thank you so much." I said sincerely and hugging her once again.

I can feel she frowned but then she hugged me back.

"You're welcome, Yuri. I'm glad you're okay." she replied to me and looked at me.

My heart start to beat fast and I don't know why. I smiled at her and looked down.

The Next Day

Chaewon was watching a movie when suddenly the bell was ringing. Chaewon look at the door with raised her eyesbrows.

"Who come this early?" she asked herself and stood up.

Chaewon go to opened the door and no one was in front of her.

Chaewon felt weird. "It must be a kid playing around. Tch.." Chaewon rolled her eyes and closed the door.

She was about to walked back to the living room but again the door was knocked.

She gritted her teeth and go to opened once again.

"Hey kids stop plㅡ" Chaewon stop from talking when she saw nothing but a black box in front of her.

She slowly pick the box and stared at the box. She look around her but she got nothing.

Chaewon go inside her house and closed the door. She lock it.

Chaewon sit on the sofa and opened the box slowly. She felt shocked when she saw a picture that have herself with Minju and Yuri.

Their picture was hollow and there was a large, red X mark.

Mostly at Yuri. There was a letter too. Chaewon quickly take the letter and opened it.

Don't you guys ever tried to stop me. Yuri is mine and I will get what is mine. If anyone tried to stop me, just say goodbye to your life.

Chaewon bite her lips. She felt mad. Then, Chaewon take her phone and dialled Yena's number. After 5 seconds, she picked up the call.

Hey Ssamu.. Why did you call me in this early?

Sorry ducky but can you bring Yuri to my house right now? I don't want she came here alone.

You sounds serious. What happen? Is everything okay?

I will tell you and the others when you come here. Now, come here quickly.

Okay, I will be there in 15 minutes. Wait for us.

Chaewon ended the call and then she call her girlfriend. Minju told she will be there in 10 minutes.

Hey guys hehehe so what's about this chapter. I hope this is good.. Btw enjoy it☺♥

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