MB - twenty three

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The Next Day

Yuri was busy preparing breakfast when suddenly a pair of hands wrap around her waist and hugged her tight.

Yuri smiles. She know the warm belongs to who.

Yuri turn around and her smiles wider when she saw Yena was smiling to her.

Quickly, Yuri hugged Yena back and rest her head on Yena's shoulder.

"Where is Yeri?" ask Yena and she look around her.

"Still not wake up yet. Chaewon unnie and Minju will be here in 30 minutes. So ,get ready."

said Yuri and she broke the hug. Yena nodded.

They staring at each other. Without saying anything, Yena lean closer to Yuri and Yuri close her eyes.

Yena was about to capture Yuri's lovely lips but then a voice interrupted them.

"Save that for tonight, mom... mommy!" they both shocked.

Yuri and Yena look behind Yena. Yeri look at them with a disgust face.

Yena pouted and chuckles. Meanwhile Yuri smiling.

"You interrupted us, Yeri." said Yena and Yuri slapped her arms.

"Don't say like that to her." Yuri glared and then smiles back to Yeri.

She lean closer to her daughter and patted her head.

"Hey dear.. how was your sleep?" ask Yuri. Yeri smiles.

"So good, mom! I have dreaming that I and Chaemin playing together." answer Yeri excitedly.

Yena chuckles softly. "You like her so much huh? Aigooo my daughter.."

Yeri face was red. She quickly shook her head.

"W-What? No!" both Yena and Yuri laughing at their daughter. Yeri pouted and crossed her arms.

"Okay enough. They will be here in 20 minutes. So now, get shower and we will breakfast together with them okay?"

Yeri nodded and run to her room.

"SURPRISE!" a voice yelled make the family shocked and turn around. Yet they smiles.

"Aunty Chaewon! Aunty Minju! Hey Chaemin!" shouted Yeri happily and she ran towards them.

Chaewon lift her up and hugged Yeri. "Miss me huh?" ask Chaewon and Yeri nodded.

"Aww you don't miss me?" ask Minju and pretend be sulking.

Yeri laugh and pinch Minju's cheeks.

"I miss both of you. Ahh Chaemin too!" Chaewon put Yeri down and Yeri turn to Chaemin.

Both of their parents just looked at them. They realized Chaemin was shy towards Yeri.

"Chaemin let's play together!" say Yeri and Chaemin nodded. Yuri stood up.

"Let's breakfast first okay kids?" they both nodded.

They all go to the dining table and sit. Then, they start to eat while talking together.

"YERI such an active." said Minju. That time, their daughters were playing together outside the house.

Yena and Chaewon was accompany them.

Yuri laugh then nodded. "Yes. She got it from Yena anyway."

this time, Minju turn to laughed.

"Your parents must be so happy because Yena who was protect you and now you guys live happily."

Yuri sigh and she nods again.

"Yes. I'm so thankful to my dad. If he not doing this, I think I not be in here anymore. Maybe I also followed them."

answer Yuri and Minju look at her.

"You almost lost her back then." Yuri bite her lips.

"I don't want to remember it anymore. It hurt me too much." Minju held her hands.

"I'm sorry, Yul." Yuri smiles then she shook her head.

"Nahh it's okay, Min. I'm okay." both of them smiles.

At Night

Yena saw Yuri was standing at the balcony. She realized that her wife seems sad after

Chaewon and her family go home. Luckily now Yeri already sleep.

Slowly, she walked to her wife and wrap her arms around Yuri's waist.

Yuri shocked but then she just let it be.

Yena put her chin at Yuri's shoulder.

"You seems so sad. What's wrong, Joyul?" ask Yena as she turn Yuri to faced her. She's right. Yuri seems sad.

Yuri shook her head. "Nothing, ducky." Yena sigh. "You lie to me again, Yul." Yuri bite her lips.

"Just tell me what's wrong, Joyul. Maybe I can hㅡ"

Yena was cutted off when suddenly Yuri hugged her too tight. Yena shocked but then she hugged her wife back.

Silent. Yena just hug her and rubbed her back gently.

Then, she can heard Yuri are sobbing. Quickly she broke the hug and stared at Yuri. She cupped Yuri's face.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

ask Yena. Yuri just crying. "N-Nothing. I just miss my parents." answer Yuri and she lift her head up to look at Yena.

Yena sigh then she wipe Yuri's tears. "Let it out. I know it was so hurt. I'm sorry that I can't save them.." Yuri shook her head.

"It's not your fault, Yena.. Why did you say sorry? Please stop saying sorry as if it's you fault. It's not your fault."

reply Yuri and she hugged Yena so tight.

Yena just silent. At the end, she just sigh and returning the hugged.

"I'm glad you're save that day. I can't image what would I be now if you also leave me.. Thanks.. Because you keep your promise."

said Yuri and buried her face into Yena's neck. Yena smiles.

She then lift Yuri like a bridal style and walked to their bed.

Yuri startled but she just silent. Yena lay her down and the older lay beside her.

She hug Yuri once again and Yuri burt her face into Yena's neck.

"Of course I will keep my promise, Joyul. I won't leave you alone. I don't want you to be hurt again after what she did to you. You don't deserve all that. You deserve happiness." said Yena.

Yuri smiles as her tears fall down. She turn to Yena and tighten the hug. Yena kiss her head.

"Thank you, Yena.. I really appriciated what you have done to me." said Yuri and they staring at each other.

Yena touch her nose.

"I'm supposed to say thanks to you because you bumped into me at the cafe back then. If not, maybe I could not meet you now and we will never get married."

they laugh together. Yena wipe her wife's  tears. "I love you, Yena."

"I love you too, Joyul.." reply Yena and then she kiss Yuri's lips. Yuri kissed her back.


Yeay!  It's already end! I hope you guys enjoyed my story and keep voting! Please support me cause I a new writer!😅♥

That's all from me!

MY BODYGUARD is signing off!

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