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Yuri quickly get into her house and lock the door.

She breath heavily and still panicked. She stepped back from the door.

Her parents is not at home because they have a work. Yuri go to the kitchen. "Ms. Kim?" call Yuri.

Ms. Kim didn't answer. Yuri then walk to her room. She opened the door.

"Ms. Kim? Mr. Kim? Where are you guys?" asked Yuri loudly.

Suddenly, she heard a loud bumped in front. Yuri legs are weak.

She start to felt scared again. Quickly, she run to her room and get into her room.

Yuri locked her door and sit on the bed.

She take her phone and dialled Chaewon's number. Luckily, Chaewon picked up her call.

Chaewon ahh help me! She's here! I'm scared!

Wait I'mㅡ

Chaewon please come here now.. I really scared.. nobody was in home.

Okay okay.. I will be there.. Wait for me!

Chaewon ended the call. Yuri sobs. She just looking at the door. Suddenly, the door was knocked. Yuri bite her lips.

The door was knocked many times. Yuri crying in silent, she felt so scared.

At the cafe

Yena look at Chaewon's phone that ringing. Yena sighed. "Where is her? Her friend is calling." Yena said.

She look back at the phone and suddenly she felt like she have to answer the called quickly.

Yena finally grabbed the phone and answer the call. She clear her throat.

Chaewon ahh help me! She's here! I'm scared!

Wait I'mㅡ

Chaewon please come here now.. I really scared.. nobody was in home.

Okay okay I will be there.. Wait for me!

Yena ended the call. She suddenly felt worried about the girl. Then, Chaewon finally come to her and sit down.

"Yena what's wrong?" ask Chaewon. Yena stood up.

"Your friend is calling earlier you know. She's asking for help." Chaewon shocked and quickly stood up.

"She said what?"

"She said 'she's here!'. She told you to come hurry." answer Yena.

"Oh shit!" Chaewon cursed and she run leaving the shop.

Yena chased after her. Luckily they already paid for their ice cream.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now