MB - nine

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Yena was laying on her bed. She just stared at her phone seems like waiting for something. Yet she sighed.

"Are you okay, Yuri? She didn't bothering you right now, isn't?" Yena asked herself.

Then she back to her sense. "Yah! Choi Yena why did you so worried about her?" she mad at herself but then she sighed.

"I'm her bodyguard, of course I have to worried about her."

she pouted. Why she suddenly become like this? Yena sigh again.

Suddenly, her door was knocked. And it's open. Yena looked at it. Then, she smiles.

"Oppa.." Yena's brother, Choi Sungmin entered her room and sit beside her.

Yena wake up and sit propely.

"Hey how was your new work? I heard dad said you work as a bodyguard to Mr. Jo's daughter." ask Sungmin.

Yena nodded. "Yes. Uncle told me to take care of Yuri because she has a stalker." answer Yena.

Sungmin nodded. "So her name is Yuri huh?"

"Yes, oppa." Sungmin then smile teasingly to her sister. Yena raised her eyesbrows.

"Why did you smile like that? It's creepy bro." Sungmin laugh.

"Nothing. I guess that Yuri can make you fall in love with her." Yena gritted her teeth and slapped Sungmin's arm.

Sungmin yelped in pain but still laughed. "Oppa! Hell no!" Yena pouts. Sungmin nodded but still laugh.

"That Yuri must be pretty right? That's why you're blushing when I said she can make you fall in love."

Sungmin said once again and Yena throw a pillow to him.

"Oppa! I hate you!"

YURI was reading a book in her room when suddenly her phone was ringing. Yuri picked up the call without looking at the number.


Hey my dear Jo Yuri..

Yuri shocked. She quickly ended the call and throw her phone beside her. She panicked.

Then, her phone start ringing back. Yuri felt scared.

She start to crying in silent. Yuri don't want her parents know what happen. Slowly, she take her phone with hands shaking.

The phone still ringing. It's unknown number. Yuri gulped.

When she was about to declined the call suddenly the call was ended.

Then, a message appeared and Yuri opened it.

Finally, you answered my call, dear.. I hope you can keep answering my calls after this, Yul.
Btw, who is the girl saved you yesterday huh? New protector huh? Then I will add her into my list hahaha..

Yuri was shaking when Gyuri mentioned Yena. She shook her head.

"N-No don't include Y-Yena in your list, Gyuri.." Yuri was crying.

CHAEWON was hugging with Minju in the living room when her phone was ringing.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now