MB - twenty two

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"Yuri.." Yuri heard someone called her name. Quickly she, Minju and Chaewon turn around.

"Mom.." Yuri called Ms. Choi, she stood up and hugged Ms. Choi tightly.

Ms. Choi hugged her back, she rubbed Yuri's back gently. "Mom.. I-It's my fault.." said Yuri.

Mr. Choi patted her shoulder softly. "No it's not your fault.. Please don't blame yourself."

said Sungmin, he patted Yuri's head.

"Sungmin oppa is right, Yuri ahh.. Don't blame yourself." said Chaewon. Minju nodded. Yuri shook her head.

"It's my fault because she have to protect me from Gyuri.." reply Yuri and Ms. Choi hugged her again.

After 20 minutes, a doctor walked out from emergency room. Yuri stood up fastly.

"How's my wife, doc? She's okay right?" ask Yuri with her tears still fall down.

The others also stood up, Chaewon wrap her arms around Yuri's shoulder.

"How's my daughter, doc? Is she alright?" ask Mr. Choi. The doctorㅡKim Sihyeon look at them one by one.

Then, she looked down and sigh. Yuri felt her heart skipped a beat.

"At first, I want to say sorry to you guys." said Sihyeon, make Yuri's leg feel weak.

She was about to fell off but luckily Minju and Chaewon held her.

"N-No.. No!! She won't left me!" yelled Yuri. Minju also crying and hugged Yuri tight.

Ms. Choi looked down, she crying in silent.

6 years later

Yuri looked up at the sky. She smiled suddenly as her tears fall down. Yuri quickly wipe her tears away.

"I hope you guys happy at there.. I'm okay here. So better." said Yuri. She looked down.

"I'm happy now... so don't worry about me anymore. I will live happily as what you want."

she added and wipe her tears that fall down against her cheeks.

"Mom!" a kid with around 5 years old call Yuri and run to her 'mom.'

Yuri turn around and smiles. She open her arms and hugged the kid.

"Yeri ahh... why did you late?" ask Yuri to the kid, Yeri. Yeri pouted.

And Yuri smiles wider when saw her daughter pout.

She's really got the pouty lips from her mommy.

"I'm sorry mom. But Ms. Shin would never let us go home if we didn't finish our work."

answer Yeri and continue to pouted. Yuri chuckles and pinch Yeri's pouty lips.

"It's okay, Yeri. I don't mad at you." Yuri stood up and held Yeri's hand tight.

"Now let's go home. Tomorrow we will go out with Chaewon aunty and Minju aunty. Chaemin was also there too."

Yeri eyes was shining. "Really?" Yuri nodded. Yeri claps her hands.

"Yeay! I can play with her! I miss her so much!" Yuri laughed and nodded.

Then, they walked to Yuri's car and Yuri drive to her house.

"NOW, let's sleep. You need to wake up early okay?"

Yeri nodded like a good puppy. She lay down on her bed and Yuri kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight too, dear."

Yeri closed her eyes. Yuri smiles and she stood up.

She walked leaving the room after she turned off the lamp.

Yuri walked to her room. She get inside amd saw her wife was done showering and walked out from the bathroom.

Yuri smiles as she closed the door and run to her wife. "Yena!"

call Yuri and Yena shocked. Without she can process anything, Yuri hugged her tight.

Yena was confused but she hugged her wife back. "Hey baby.. What's wrong?" ask Yena as she look at Yuri.

Yuri shook her head. "Nothing. Just miss you."

Yena giggles and peck on Yuri's lips. "Aigoo you become more clingy after you thought Iㅡ"

Yena was cutted off when Yuri suddenly broke the hug and her face changed. Yena gulped.

"I already told you to not bring this topic again, right Choi Yena ssi?"

ask Yuri coldly. Yena bite her lips and nodded.

Yuri sighed then she walked leaving Yena. But then, Yena grabbed her wrist and pulled her. Yuri turn and Yena quickly kissed her lips.

Yuri was shocked by the action but she response to the kisses.

Yena pushed her gently on the bed and she went on top of the younger.

Yuri felt weak. "Y-Yenaㅡahhhㅡ" Yuri moan when Yena sucking her neck. Yena look at her.

"Don't be mad, baby. I'm sorry for bring up this topic. I really sorry." said Yena.

Yuri don't answer instead she pulled Yena into a kiss again. Yena smiles. It's a hint that Yuri already forgave her.

"I miss your warm." said Yuri and looking into Yena's eyes. Yena smirked.

"Then, should I?" ask Yena and Yuri nodded.

Flashback 6 years ago..

"At first, I want to say sorry to you guys." said Sihyeon, make Yuri's leg feel weak.

She was about to fell off but luckily Minju and Chaewon held her.

"N-No.. No!! She won't left me!" yelled Yuri. Minju also crying and hugged Yuri tight. Ms. Choi looked down, she crying in silent.

"Listen to me first, Ms. Choi. Ms. Yena lost her blood too much. And we're sorry we don't have a blood type A for now. We need her family or friends to donated the blood."

Sihyeon explained. Yuri looked at everyone. Sungmin then raised his hand.

"I will donated my blood to her. She's my sister." said him and the girl nodded.

"Then, let's do the check up first before you can donate." Sungmin nodded and followed Sihyeon.

Yuri sit on the chair and burst out. Minju amd Chaewon hugged her tight.

"She will be okay, Yul." Yuri nodded.

One more chapter and this story will be end! Yay! Hope you guys enjoyed it!♥

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