MB - eighteen

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"Yuri are you okay?" ask Yena worriedly. Yuri just nods.

"She want to kill you, Yuri." said Minju, her voice are shaking. She felt so worried about Yuri.

Yuri sighed. "Just let me die." Yuri said and it makes everyone shocked.

"What? Why did you say like that?" ask Chaewon.

"Just let me die. I don't want she hurt all of you." answer Yuri as her eyes was teary. Yena just silent.

"No! Even we have to die, we must protect you, Yuri!" Yena utter, and Chaewon nodded. Minju too. Yuri look at them.

"But why?! Why do you guys want to die just for me?! I'm nothing! Your life more important than me!"

shouted Yuri, she stood up and look at them.

"You are our bestfriend, Yuri. You are Yena's girlfriend. We love you so much. That's why we need to protect you, Jo Yuri. Cause we love you."

answer Chaewon, her eyes also teary. Yuri crying.

Yena stood up and hugged her tight. Yuri burst out as she felt touched. Minju bite her lips and look down.

"Please.. promise me that you guys won't died. I don't want to lost all of you after my parents." said Yuri. Yena nodded.

"We promised you, Yuri." promised Yena and she smiling to Yuri.

Yuri nods and tighten the hugged.

"YENA ahh. Yuri. Come here. We want to talk something about you guys." Yena and Yuri heard Ms. Choi was calling them.

They turn around and saw Yena's family was sitting at the living room, waiting for them.

Slowly, they nodded and walked to them. They sit beside each other and look at everyone.

"What did you wanna said?" ask Yena to her mom.

"Well, this is about you, Yuri ahh." said Ms. Choi and Yuri look at her. "M-Me?" they nodded.

"Before your parents want to leave you to go to Jeju, they meet us. And they said if something bad happen to them, we have to take care of you." said Mr. Choi.

Yuri nodded. Her heart best fast. Mr. Choi take a deep breath.

"They want you to married with Yena." both of them shocked and look at each other.

"W-What? My parents s-say like that?" ask Yuri still surprised. Mr. Choi nodded.

"Mr. Jo said Yena is the one who can protect you. And we agree with them." answer Mr. Choi.

Yuri looked down. Yena turn to her and held her hands. Yuri lift her head up. Yena look at her parents.

"I will married her." answer Yena seriously.

Ms. Choi and Sungmin smiles. "Yuri?" ask Mr. Choi. Yuri gulped.

She look at Yena. Yena just stared at her. Finally, she nodded.

"Then, you guys will married tomorrow. Don't worry, the preparation was already done." Yena and Yuri's jaw dropped.

"What? Tomorrow? Why so sudden, mom? And when did the preparation was already done?" ask Yena still shocked.

Ms. Choi laughed. "We already do the preparation when before they leave to Jeju." answer her.

Yena and Yuri look at each other.

"After we married, I want to take her out from this house. I worried if the stalker target our house." said Yena and they nodded.

"Of course, honey. We respect your desicion." answer Mr. Choi.

The Next Day

Only their friends and Yena's family attending their wedding.

They do it without many people. They are worried if the stalker may come and do something.

Now, the wedding is done. Both Yena and Yuri now in their room to clear up their stuffs. They haved to moved this evening.

"Yuri ahh." call Yena. Yuri turn around and saw Yena was walking to her.

Yena then sit beside her on the bed. "Do you happy with this?" ask Yena.

Yuri smiles then she nodded. "Of course. I'm married with you. Of course I'm happy." answer Yuri and held Yena's face.

Yena looked down.

"I'm sorry because we have to married like this. You must want to married like other people too." Yuri shook her head.

"No, it's okay ducky. As long I'm with you, everything was perfect."

Yena look at her and yet, she smiles. She lean closer to Yuri as Yuri close her eyes.

Yena kiss her lips gently. Yuri smiles then she returned the kisses. Yena broke the kiss and stared at Yuri.

"I love you."

CHAEWON and Minju look infront of them. "So, this is your new house, duck?"

ask Chaewon and Yena nodded. Minju shrugged her shoulder.

"Not bad, unnie." said her and Yena rolled her eyes. "Now, let's unpacking our stuffs and help us clean this house."

said Yuri and they nodded.

They entered the house. Yena and Yuri unpacking their stuffs meanwhile Chaewon and Minju help them to clean the house.

"Let's watch movie together later after we done doing this. I will treat you guys." said Yena to Chaewon and Minju.

They shouted happily. Yuri closed her ears. "Yeay!! I love you ducky!" Yena rolled her eyes.

"I love my wife more than you." answer Yena and she received a loud punch from Chaewon. Yena yelped in pain.

Chaewon glared at her. Both Yuri and Minju giggles. Yena sighed. "Okay fine!"

AFTER done clean the house, Yena ordered some fried foods and a pizza. They now were at the living room.

Chaewon and Minju decided to sit on the floor with the pillow and blankets.

They decided to stayed at Yena and Yuri's house for tonight.

Yena and Yuri sit on the sofa. "What story do you guys want to watch?" ask Yuri.



"Anything except ghost!"

The three of them shouted. Chaewon and Minju want to watch the ghost story but Yena refused to. Chaewon sigh.

"Yena please! Just this time!" Yena shook her head. "No!" Minju rolled her eyes.

"Yuri ahh just open it." Yuri giggles and she obeyed what Minju said.

Yena was upset. "Yah Joyul! Don't please!" Yena begging her.

"Sorry, Yena but I want to watch ghost story too." answer Yuri and Yena pouted. Minju chuckles.

"Just hug your wife if you scared, unnie. Yuri like cuddle so much."

tell Minju and Yuri slapped her arms. Minju pout and rubbed it gently.

Yena nodded. "Okay then." Chaewon laughed. "So whipped." comment her.

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