MB - nineteen

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Yena look at Chaewon and Minju who was already sleeping with hugging each other.

She then look beside her and smiles when she saw Yuri also sleeping.

Yena closed the tv and put the blanket on Yuri. She rest Yuri's head on her shoulder.

When she was about to sleep, suddenly Yuri's phone are beep.

Yena look at the table and suddenly she felt want to see the message.

Yena carefully took her wife's phone and opened the message.

Hey dear! I hope you sleep well tonight.. And I hope you spend your last life with them cause what? I'm gonna kill you cause you cheat on me with that bastard Choi Yena. I told you already, dear.. If I don't get you, nobody will get you too.

Yena felt her heart dropped. She look at Yuri who was peacefully sleeping. Her eyes was teary suddenly.

Yena off the phone and put it back on the table.

She then hugged Yuri tightly and burst her face into Yuri's neck. Yena crying in silent.

She don't want to lost Yuri. She don't want to lost the girl that she loved so much.

Her body was shaking. She tried to stop crying but she can't.

Suddenly, a pair of hands hugged her back make Yena lift her head up.

Yuri was looking at her worriedly. The girl cupped Yena face.

"Hey.. Why are you crying?" ask Yuri. Yena quickly shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"N-Nothing Yuri ahh.. I'm fine." Yuri shook her head back.

"No. You're lying. Be honest with me, Yena. What happen?" ask Yuri seriously.

Yena gulped. Then, she sigh and hugging Yuri back.

"D-Don't leave me okay? I love you so m-much. I-I'm scared if you leave me alone."

Yuri look at Yena and tighten the hugged.

"I won't leave you okay? I know this is must because of Gyuri right? Don't worry, baby." reply Yuri and she smiling to Yena. Yena nodded.

YENA open her eyes and saw nobody at the living room. Only her. She wake up and removed the blanket.

"Yul? Chaewon? Minju ah?" call her. Yena rubbed her eyes gently.

"Oh you're awake, Yena." Yena heard Yuri's voice and turn around.

Yuri was smiling to her at the kitchen. Yena smiled back as she walked to Yuri.

"Where is Chae and Minju?" ask Yena while her hands wrap at Yuri's waist and hugged her wife tight.

"They already left at 8.00 a.m. They have a job to do." answer Yuri and Yena nodded. Yuri turn to her.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth first. Then, let's breakfast." Yena nodded again and broke the hug.

"Wait! Where's my good morning kiss?" ask Yena as she turn back to Yuri. She pouted. Yuri chuckles softly.

She lean closer to Yena and peck on her lips. Yena smiles widely.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now