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Mr. Jo sit at his place in the cafe while waiting for someone. While waiting, he sips his coffee.

Suddenly, a man with suit come to him and sit in front of him. Mr. Jo lift his head up.

"Sorry I'm late. Did you wait too long?" ask him. Mr. Jo shook his head.

"No it's okay." Mr. Jo smiled.

"So, why did you want to meet me, Jo Seok In ssi?" ask him jokingly. They laughed together happily.

"Well I want to tell something to you, Choi Yang Woo ssi. It's about my daughter and your daughter, Choi Yena." said Mr. Jo.

Mr. Choi face changed. "Why? Did she make some trouble to your daughter?"

ask Mr. Choi worriedly. Mr. Jo shook her head.

"No. It's not like that, Yang Woo. I just wanna ask your permission. You know.. my Yuri have a stalker right? Her ex?" Mr. Choi nods.

Mr. Jo then sighed.

"A week ago, she come to my house. While me and my wife is not in home. She almost take Yuri from us. Luckily, your daughter and their friend Chaewon come rushes and saved Yuri. I was so scared if she can do something more worse than that. That's why I came here to meet you."

Mr. Jo explained. "What is it? Maybe I can help you." said Mr. Choi calmly.

"I want your daughter work as a bodyguard to take care of Yuri."

Mr. Choi was shocked and he look at his bestfriend.

"Yeah.. Because Yena said she's doesn't have any work so maybe she can work with me. With taking care of my daughter." Mr. Jo added, with hope Mr. Choi will agree.

He sips her coffee again. Mr. Choi then nodded.

"Yeah of course you can. I don't care if it's about my bestfriend. Since she also didn't have any of work." Mr. Jo smiled.

"Thank you, Yang Woo ahh." Mr. Choi smiled back.

YURI was eat her cake with Minju. Chaewon doesn't accompany them because she have something to do with her parents.

"Minju can I ask you something?" ask Yuri and Minju nodded. "Yeah sure."

Yuri clear her throat.

"W-Well, who is Choi Yena? Chaewon and you know her but why I don't know about her?" asked Yuri curiously.

Minju then smirked. "Why? Do you like her huh?" Yuri chocked and coughed. She sips her juice while Minju laughed.

"Yah! I don't like her! I'm just asking!" shouted Yuri not too loud and she facepalmed.

Minju then nodded. "Okay okay.. Don't be mad."

Minju clear her throat and she start to speak.

"She is Chaewon's unnie friend. She's our senior but you had never see her because she is not in the same course with unnie." Yuri nodded.

"Ahh like that.. but I didn't know that my dad and her dad is a bestfriend." Minju turn her face.

"What?! Are you serious?" ask Minju shockedly. Yuri nodded.

Minju rolled her eyes. "Tch.. Such a drama." Yuri facepalmed.

"Yah! Youㅡ" Yuri could not finished her words when suddenly her phone are ringing.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now