MB - seven

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Yuri was watching tv alone. Then, a loud knocked at the main door make she and Ms. Kim looked at it.

Yuri was about to open the door but Ms. Kim hold her.

"Let me open for you. It's too dangerous." said Ms. Kim and Yuri nods.

Ms. Kim walked to opened the door. Yuri just stared.

"Eo? Ms. Yena.. What are you doing here?" ask Ms. Kim.

Yuri heard the name and quickly walking to Ms. Kim. She standing beside the old woman.

Yena saw Yuri and smiled to them. "Ms. Kim, can I take Yuri to Chaewon house for a while? It's important."

Yuri raised her eyesbrows and Ms. Kim nodded.

"Yes sure." answer Ms. Kim and she excuse herself. Yuri look at Yena. "Wait. To Chaewon unnie's house? For what?" ask Yuri confusedly.

Yena shrugged her shoulder.

"I don't know too. But her voice is really serious. We have to go now." Yuri nodded.

"Wait. I want to change my clothes first." Yuri said and quickly run to her room. Yena waited for her.

MINJU entered Chaewon's house since she know the password. "Unnie?" call her and walked to the living room.

She saw Chaewon was sitting on the sofa with a serious face.

"Unnie? Why?" Chaewon was startled when she heard the voice and lift her head up.

"Oh MinMin ahh.. Sorry I didn't heard." Minju smiled and shook her head. She sit beside Chaewon.

"No it's okay, love." Chaewon smiled back but it's a fake smile.

Then, a bell ringing. Minju and Chaewon look at it. Minju stood up. "I will opened it." Chaewon nodded and Minju stood up.

She go to the door and open it. Yena and Yuri smiled to her and Minju returned the smile.

"Come in." they nodded and walked into the house.

Minju was about to close the door but then she saw a girl who was hiding behind the wall and was looking at her.

Minju felt goosebumps. The girl pulled out her hoodie that close her head. She still wear a mask.

Minju was shocked when she saw the grayish colour on her hair.

It's her! Minju quickly close the door and locked it.

Minju run to the living room and everyone was looking at her weirdly.

"Why, Minju?" ask Yuri confused. Minju turn to them with a scared face.

"She.. She's here."answer Minju and it startled them. Yuri stood up and was about to go but Yena held her wrist.

"Where did you wanna go?" ask Yena.

Yuri turn. "I want to go check by myself." Yena and Chaewon shook their head.

"No. It's dangerous." Yena reply coldly. Yuri gulped when she heard the serious tone in Yena's voice.

Chaewon sighed. "So, she know you all are here." Yuri, Minju and Yena turn to look at her.

"What do you mean? Why did we all in here?" asked Yuri. Yena, Yuri and Minju sit down. Chaewon bite her lips.

"Early, I heard a bell ringing so I opened the door. But there's nothing. Then I heard a knocked but when I opened it, I found this." Chaewon explained and take a black box that was on the table.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now