MB - fourteen

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After the incident that night, both of them felt so awkward to each other.

They avoiding each other for 2 weeks. Nobody realized it. Even their friends.

Mr. Jo look at Yuri who was silently eating. "Yuri ahh." call her dad. Yuri lift her head up and look at her dad.

"Yes, dad?" ask Yuri. Mr. Jo clear his throat.

"I've seen you and Yena didn't meet for a long time. It's two weeks already. Something happen? You guys fight?" ask Mr. Jo make Yuri coughed.

Ms. Jo giggles. Yuri sips her drinks and clear her throat.

"What? N-No dad. We not get into fight. What are you talking about?" ask Yuri nervously.

Mr. Jo shrugged his shoulder. "If not, then why did you guys seems avoiding each other? Care to explain?" ask Mr. Jo.

Yuri gulped. Why did only her father realized it? She take a deep breath and look directly at her father.

"We're not avoided each other dad. She's busy now. And I was busy too. Okay, dad? Please don't ask something nonsense." said Yuri calmly.

Mr. Jo nodded. "Okay then. I just wanna hear your reason only." Yuri close her eyes and sighed.

"By the way, Yuri.. We want to tell you that we were not in home for a week. We need to go to Jeju because we have an urgent." said Ms. Jo.

Yuri nodded calmly.

"Yes mom I get it." "Are you okay being alone in this house? Mr. and Ms. Kim also were not in this house because they back to their hometown too, which is at Jeju too.." said Mr. Jo worriedly.

Yuri smiles then she nodded. "I'm okay dad. Don't worry, my friends with me." answer Yuri. Mr. Jo nodded.

CHAEWON and Minju saw Yuri was walking alone in the shopping mall. "Jo Yuri!" call Minju.

Yuri looked in front of her and smiling when she saw both of them.

They are waving to each other. "Hey Chaewon unnie, Minju ahh.." greeted Yuri.

"What are you doing here ALONE Yuri ssi?" ask Chaewon seriously. Yuri gulped.

Minju glared at Chaewon. Chaewon sighed. "Okay fine. What are you doing here, Yul?" ask Chaewon softly.

"I'm just bored at home so I walk in this mall." answer Yuri truthly.

They nodded. "So, let's walk with us." said Minju. Yuri laughed.

"What? Of course not. I don't want to ruin your date." Yuri answer, and she got a glared from Chaewon.

She laughed awkwardly.

"Of course you not. Come on. It's dangerous for you to be alone." said Minju and pulled Yuri's arm. Yuri sighed and she followed them.

They walked together and decided to eat at the restaurant in the mall. "Let's find a seat of us." said Chaewon and they nodded.

Minju look around her and then she saw someone.

"Isn't that Yena unnie?" ask Minju make Yuri and Chaewon look at her directly.

Yuri gulped. She felt nervous. Chaewon smiles. "Let's go to her." said Chaewon and Minju nodded. Yuri bite her lips and followed them.

"Hey ducky." Yena lift her head up and startled when saw Chaewon and Minju was smiling to her. She turn her eyes to Yuri. Yuri seems awkward.

Her face changed. She clear her throat. "H-Hey guys. What are you doing here?" ask Yena. "Can we sit?" ask Minju. Yena nods. "Sure!" answer her.

Chaewon and Minju sit beside each other, infront of Yena. Yuri just standing.

The three of them look at her. "Yuri? You don't wanna sit?" ask Chaewon.

Yuri back to her sense. "Y-Yeah.." Yuri laughed nervously and she sit beside Yena. Yena gulped.

"We just dating and then we saw Yuri was walking alone so we ask her to followed us." answer Minju. Yena nodded.

"What do you guys want to order? Don't worry it's my treat." said Yena. They both smiling.

"Really? Yes! You're literally my bestfriend!" said Chaewon happily.

Yena rolled her eyes. She raised her hands and then a waitress come to them.

"I want a beaf steak with strawberry juice." said Chaewon.

"I want a white pasta with orange juice." said Minju.

And three eyes looking at Yuri. "What do you want to eat?" ask Chaewon. Yuri clear her throat. "N-Nahh it's okayㅡ"

"Give her a creamy pasta and carrot juice." Yena cutted her off. The waitress nodded and leave them.

Yuri look at her. Yena just make a poker face. "How did you know that is Yuri's favourite?" ask Minju. Yena shocked.

"Really? I don't know, Minju ahh." answer Yena. Minju nodded. Yuri take a deep breath, tried to calm her down.

NOW, they were outside from shopping mall. Chaewon and Minju looked at them.

"We will get going first okay. Yena make sure you will send Yuri to her home. Safely." said Chaewon.

Yena nodded. Yuri face changed. "Don't worry I will take care of her." answer Yena calmly. Chaewon and Minju nodded.

"See you next time. Bye guys!" said Minju and they bid a goodbye. Both of them walked leaving Yena and Yuri.

Yena look at Yuri. "Let's go." said her and Yuri was confused.

"W-What? No it's okay. I will go home by myself." answer Yuri and was about to go but Yena grabbed her wrist.

Yuri felt butterflies in her stomach. She start to felt nervous. Yena shook her head.

"And I would not let that happen. It's too dangerous for you. Besides that, I'm your bodyguard, Yuri." said Yena. Yuri sighed.

Yena pulled her to her car. Yuri just followed.

YENA stopped her car. She then looked at Yuri who remain silent. Yena carefully held her hands.

Yuri shocked and turn to Yena. "We're here, Yuri." Yuri look beside her and saw her house. "A-Ahh yeah.. Thanks Yena.." Yena nodded.

Yuri was about to go out but Yena held her hands once again.

Yuri looked. "Emm.. Yuri.. I-I want to say sorry for w-what happen 2 weeks ago." Yena apologized.

Yuri's face was red as tomato. She looked down. "N-No it's okay. I-It's my fault too." answer Yuri and they look at each other.

"Is that mean... we're good now?" ask Yena and Yuri smiles. She nodded. Yena smiled back.

"Can I go now?" ask Yuri gently. Yena realized she still held Yuri's hand so she let go off her.

"See you next time, Yena."

Yena nodded. "You too, Yuri." they bid a goodbye and Yena drove away. Yuri smiles.


Sorry guys I have to unpublished this chapter earlier cause have a problem but now I reupload back! Enjoyed it!

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