MB - ten

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The next Day

Ms. Kim was tidy up the living room. All of a sudden, the bell was ringing and the door was knocked.

Ms. Kim look at the door with confusing but still walked to the door.

She opened the door and smiled when she saw Yena was infront of her, smiling back to her.

"Hi Ms. Kim!"

"Hi Ms. Yena.. What are you doing here? Looking for Ms. Yuri?"

asked Ms. Kim and Yena laughed awkwardly. Yet she nodded.

"Yeah.. Is she in home? Or not?" Ms. Kim giggles. "Yes, she's in her room. Come in, Ms. Yena."

Yena obeyed and walked into the house.

"Sit first, Ms. Yena. I will call her." Yena shook her head.

"No, Ms. Kim. I will go by myself. Don't worry." Ms. Kim smiles and nods.

She continue to clean the living room. Yena walked upstairs, to Yuri's room.

YURI heard a knocked from the door. She stopped from playing games.

"Who is it? I thought I didn't have a visitor right?" she asked herself.

Then she shrugged her shoulder and stood up. Yuri walk to the door and open it. Then she frown.

"Yena.." Yuri mumbled slowly. Yena smiles to her.

"Hi Yuri!" greeted the older. Yuri remember she have to avoid the older.

She look at Yena coldly. Yena realized the younger didn't greeted her back and the cold face of her.

"Yul you okay? Did something bad happen?" ask Yena worriedly. Yuri shook her head.

"No. I'm okay. Sorry, I don't want to meet you anymore." said Yuri coldly, make Yena shock.

Her face changed. And suddenly she felt sad.

Yuri realized it and she felt so guilty to Yena. But this is for her safety.

"B-But why? Did I make a mistake? Y-You can tell me, Yuri." Yena's voice are shaking. She don't know why she felt so sad. Her hurt ache.

Yuri take a deep breath. "No. You didn't do any mistake. Just.. I don't want to see you anymore. That's all. Sorry. Starting from today, you're not my bodyguard anymore."

with saying like that, Yuri quickly close the door and lock it.

She lean her back at the door and her tears start to fall down.

"I-I'm sorry Yena.. I really sorry.." Yuri mumbled and hug her knees.

Yena frozed at her place. She just silent. Still don't believe what Yuri have saying to her earlier.

She back to her sense and realized a tear fall down on her cheeks. She quickly wiped it away and nodded.

"I'm sorry for everything, Yuri. I'm glad we met."

Yena said to Yuri, hoping the younger would heard. She quickly walked downstairs.

Ms. Kim look at her weirdly. "Ehh? Where did you wanna go, Ms. Yena? Did you already meet Ms. Yuri?"

Yena smiled bitterly.

"Ahh I have an urgent calls from my oppa. I have to go now. See you next time, Ms. Kim." Ms. Kim nodded and smile.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now