MB - thirteen

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Yena opened her eyes. She groan and felt heavy at her right arm. Yena turn her face and saw Yuri was sleeping in her arm.

Yena smiling. She look at her left hand. The wound is so hurt.

"Y-Yuri.." called Yena weakly. Yuri open her eyes when she heard Yena call her name.

Yuri lift her head up and meet Yena's eyes. She smiles. "Yena!"

Yuri shouted and hugging Yena tightly. Yena laughed softly.

Yuri broke the hug and held Yena's face. "Are you okay now? I was so worried about you."

said Yuri and she lowered her head. Yena chuckles softly and shook her head.

"I'm okay, Yul. Don't worryㅡ"

"Don't worry? How I supposed not to worry if Gyuri do this to you?!" Yuri cutted her off and look into Yena's eyes. Her eyes was teary.

Yena shocked. Yuri suddenly crying and she hugged Yena tight.

"Don't you know I felt so startled when the man told me that Gyuri stab you and punch you? I'm s-sorry Yena cause made you get into this p-problem." said Yuri and she burst her face into the older neck.

Yena gulped. She hug Yuri back and stroke her hair gently.

"Now I'm okay right? Don't worry I was strong. Don't felt sorry to me, Yul. I who want to protect you."

reply Yena and she broke the hugged. She wipe Yuri's tears away and smiles sweetly. Yuri looked down.

"I'm sorry cause today we have to cancel our date." said Yena and Yuri was blushing. She softly punched Yena's chest make Yena laugh.

Yuri burst her face into Yena chest and shook her head. "N-No. It's okay." answer Yuri.

CHAEWON and Minju open the door and saw Yena and Yuri was chatting together.

"Yah dumb duck!" shout Chaewon make Yena and Yuri startled.

Chaewon walked to her and smack her head make Yena yelped in pain. Minju close the door and go to them.

"Yah! What's wrong with you, Chae?!" mad Yena and rubbed her head gently. She pouted. Chaewon rolled her eyes.

"How did it happen huh? How that Gyuri was infront of your car?" ask Chaewon.

"I don't know, Ssamu! Calm down please!" answer Yena and Chaewon look at Yuri seriously.

"Yuri ahh..did something happen before this happen?" ask Chaewon.

Yuri gulped and she looked down. Yet, she nodded. "Tell us." said Minju.

"A-After I hang out with Minju, I walked alone to get home. A-And Gyuri following me. S-She want to do something to me but I run. L-Luckily Yena help me." tell Yuri and Minju eyes widely open.

"Yah! That's why I want to accompany you home but you refused!" mad Minju. Yuri bite her lips. She look at Chaewon.

"I already told you right, Jo Yuri ssi?" ask Chaewon coldly. Yuri sighed and then she nodded.

"I-I know unnie.. I know it's my fault. I-I'm sorry." Yuri apologized to her. Yena held Chaewon hand.

"Chaewon ahh it's okay. I already help her.. Don't be mad at Yuri." Chaewon sigh. She nods.

"How can I be mad at your girlfriend, Yena.." Yena and Yuri shocked. Minju giggles.

"Yah! She's not my girlfriend!" shouted Yena and she slapped Chaewon arm.

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