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Yuri go down with Yena and saw everyone was looking at her.

She take a deep breath and looked down. Yena just walked. And then they go to the living room.

Both of them sit beside each other. "So, how Yuri?" ask Mr. Jo. Ms. Jo staring at her daughter worriedly.

Yuri lift her head up. "Okay, I'm agree with you dad."

they all smiled except Yuri and Yena. "I know you will agree. You know I do this for you." Yuri nodded.

"Yes I know dad. And I will listen to you." Yuri said and she smiled bitterly. Ms. Jo smiles sweetly. She was happy.

"Then we will excuse ourself."

Mr. Choi stood up with Yena and bowed to them. They also stood up and nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Choi." said Yuri and smiled to him. Mr. Choi returned the smiled.

"Don't worry. I already look at you as my daughter." Yena pouted.

"But still I'm your lovely daughter." they all laughed. Meanwhile Yuri smile looking at Yena. This girl is really something.

MINJU was walked alone at the parking in the shopping mall. The parking was dark and quiet.

Suddenly, she felt her heart beat fast. She look around her but she found nothing.

She can feel someone was followed her. Quickly, she turn to behind. Nothing! Minju scared.

Her eyes was teary. She look infront of her and start to run to her car.

She quickly unlock her car and get into the car.

Minju lock her car and crying. She look in front of her and shocked when she saw a girl wearing black hoodie and a black mask.

The girl look at her. Minju could only saw her eyes and her grayish hair.

The girl pulled out a knife and play with it. Minju crying again.

She quickly start the engine and drive leaving the parking. Her body was shaking.

Minju drove to Chaewon's apartment. She take out her phone and dialled her girlfriend number. Then, Chaewon answer the call.

Hey Min..

C-Chaewon a-are you in y-your house?

Yes, I am. Yuri and Yena also here. We talking about something important. Why Minju? Are you crying?

I-I on my way to your house. P-Please wait for me..

Okay Min! Hurry up!

Minju ended the call. She drove to Chaewon's apartment and get out from her car. She's still crying.

She run to Chaewon house and hit the bell. Then, the door was opened and it revealed Chaewon. Behind her was Yena and Yuri.

"Chaewon ah.." Minju crying and hugged her girlfriend tightly.

Chaewon hugged her back. "Min what's wrong? Are you okay?" ask Chaewon worriedly.

Minju just crying, not answering Chaewon's question. "Let's get inside first."

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now