MB - fifteen

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The next morning, Mr. and Ms. Jo was already to go. Mr. Kim and Ms. Kim too. Yuri hugged her parents tightly.

"Be careful dad, mom.. I will miss you guys." said Yuri sadly.

They laughed. "Hey don't be sad. We go just for a week." said Ms. Jo, smiling sweetly.

Yuri nodded. "So, we will get going okay? Take care of yourself, Yuri. We love you." said Mr. Jo and kissed Yuri's on top of her head.

They bid a goodbye and then all of them leaving Yuri alone. Yuri pouted.

"I'm alone again." she said to herself.

Yuri closed the door, still don't realized that Gyuri was watching her from another way.

She smirked and chuckles. Then, Gyuri walked leaving Yuri's house.

YURI was watching tv alone. She watching a news while eating a snacks.

All of a sudden, there was news related to a plane having exploded 20 minutes after takeoff.

Yuri was shocked and restless. She tried to calm down and reassure herself that it wasn’t the plane her mom and dad were on.

Then, her phone rang and Yuri quickly answered.

Hello who is this?

Is this daughter of Mr. Jo Seok In and Ms. Jo Gah Yeon?

Yes I am. Why? Something's wrong?

I hope you will strong after heard this. The plane that your parents ride on were having exploded and now their body was still missingㅡ

Yuri's phone dropped. She looked back at the tv. Her tears fall down. "N-No.. No way. No way!!"

Yuri yelled. She fell off from the sofa. "M-Mom.. Dad.. Ms. Kim.. Mr. Kim.. Why did you all have to leave me alone? Just.. Why?!"

Yuri shouted like a crazy people. Then, a loud knock appeared at the main door. Yuri didn't want to opened it.

"Yuri?" called a girl. Yuri just crying. Suddenly, a loud bumped at the door and the girl run to the living room.

Yuri just looked down.

"Joyul?" Yuri lift her head up and saw Yena was leaning closer to her. Yuri hugged Yena tightly.

"Y-Yena.. M-My parents.." Yuri cried out. Yena nodded.

"I know Yuri ahh.. Don't worry I'm here for you.." Yena said. Her voice are shaking.

She felt so pity on Yuri. Really really pity. Yuri just crying and hugged Yena tight. Yena stroke her hair gently.

"Yuri?" call Yena. But Yuri didn't answer her.

Yena broke the hugged and shocked when she saw Yuri fainted in her arms. Quickly, she bring Yuri to her room.

MINJU bite her lips. She just look at Yuri who still didn't wake up from her faints. Chaewon hugged her shoulder.

Minju rested her head on Chaewon's shoulder.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now