MB - eleven

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Minju felt so bored. She was in the cafe. Quickly, she take out her phone and dialled Yuri's number.

After a couple of seconds, the girl answer her call.

Hey Min! Why did you call me?

I'm bored, hamster. Let's meet at the cafe near my house. I already been here for 2 hours ago.

Sure! I was so boring too. Wait a little I will be there in 10 minutes.

Okay, hamster! Don't be late.

Minju ended the call and put her phone on the table. She eating a cake while waiting for Yuri.


"HEY Minju!" Minju looked up and saw Yuri was smiling to her and sit in front of her. Minju returned the smiles.

"Sorry, I don't too late right?" ask Yuri worriedly. Minju giggled and shook her head.

"No, Yuri. Calm down okay?" Yuri sigh in relief and laughed.

"By the way why did you ask if you were so late? Did something happen?" asked the angel.

Yuri smiled fade away and then she nodded.

"Yes. My dad and mom keep asking me who I want to meet. I answer that I want to meet you. But then my dad asked me why did I didn't go with Yena. He thought Yena still my bodyguard."

Yuri explained and sighed. Minju shook her head, confused for what Yuri did.

"Until when you want to avoided the question, Yul? Can't you be honest to your parents?"

ask Minju. Yuri bite her lips. "They sure will be mad at me, Min."

"Then why did you do this even you know that your parents will be mad at you?" ask Minju again. She crossed her arms.

Yuri silent. She don't know what to said. Minju sigh then she held Yuri's hand.

"Yuri.. Yena unnie really want to protect you so much. Even Gyuri want to kill her, I'm sure if she know about this she will never leave you instead of that she will protect you more."

said Minju. Yuri nodded. She know that.

"I-I know that, Minju ahh. But I can't keep her protecting me. I afraid if Gyuri killed her. I don't want she or you guys dead." reply Yuri, her eyes are shaking.

Minju sighed again. "Just admit it that you already like Yena unnie."

Yuri's eyes widen opened. She quickly shook her head.

"What? No!" Minju giggles. Yuri's cheeks are blushing.

"Pff.. Said no but your cheeks are blushing so hard." Yuri glared at Minju. Minju quickly closed her mouth and giggles.

ONE hour already passed, Minju and Yuri keep talking and laughing together.

Without knowing that someone was watching them, mostly Yuri.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now