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Yuri Pov

I fell off the ground and yelped in pain since my hands is a little sore. "Sorry, my mistake Jo Yuri ssi."

I heard the voice and I shocked. The voice that I don't want to heard it anymore.

I lift my head up and accidentally meet her eyes.

I speechless. "G-Gyur-Gyuri.." I called her name slowly.

The girlㅡ Gyuri smirked at me. "So you still remember me huh Jo Yuri?" she asked me.

She kneel one down and want to touch my face but I quickly pushed her hands roughly.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands." I said madly.

She laughed. Sarcastically. "Wow is this the real Jo Yuri? Come on you still into me." she said and held my face forcely make me scared.

Unluckily because there was no people around us. "Let me g-go!" I shouted.

She tried to kiss me and I still tried to pushed her.

"Just follow my action or I will kill your friends and family." she said make me frown. I look at her. She smirked again.

I felt my tears was already fall down. I crying in silent. She lean closer to me and I don't pushed her this time.

"Yah! What are you doing to her?!" I shocked when I heard a familiar voice yelled behind me.

Gyuri sighed madly and she run leaving me alone.

The girl run to me, and she grabbed my wrist. I look at her and I burst out all of a sudden.

"Y-Yena.." I called her name and she hugging me tightly.

I crying so hard. Feel scared and relief when Yena come to saved me. I can feel she stroke my hair gently.

"Shh.. I'm here, Yuri.. Don't worry you are saved." she said softly, make me felt a little calm.

She was about to broke the hug but I tighten the hug make she shocked.

"P-Please.. I want t-to be in your arms. I-I'm scared." I said and burst my face into her neck. Yet I felt more calm. She just silent.

I stop from crying. Yena broke our hugged and wipe my tears softly. I looked down.

"Are you okay now?" ask Yena. I nodded. I lift my head and look at her. "T-Thank you Yena. Luckily you're here." I said.

She rubbed my back gently. "I told you next time just stick with me. Don't go anywhere okay?" I nodded again and then she help me to stood up.

"Auchh.." I yelped when Yena accidentally touch my sore. Yena seems shocked. "Yuri why?" ask her worriedly.

"N-Nothing Yenaㅡ"

"Yah! Nothing you said? You hands are sore. Lets treat this. Come on follow me." she said and pulled my wrist make me followed her.

We go inside her car and she drive to the clinic.

Yena Pov

I waited for Yuri while looking at my phone. Suddenly, the door was opened and Yuri walked out from the room.

I stood up and lean to her closely. "How Yul?" I ask her. She look at me and smiled. "Just have a small sore. Don't worry, Yena." she answered me.

I sigh in relief. "Come on let's go to take your medicine." I said and held her hands.

It my sudden action and I saw she blushed. I smiled with her cuteness.

We go to the caunter and take the medicine. I pay for it and then we go inside the car.

"Yena.. thank you so much. I promise I will pay back for you."

she said with a guilty face. I smiled to her. "Nahh it's okay, Yuri. My treat. Don't worry."

I said and she look at me. Then, she returned my smile sweetly. "Thanks again." I nodded and drive to her house.

At night

Author Pov

Mr. Jo who was watching tv saw her daughter walked down. "Hey Yuri my dear." Mr. Jo call and Yuri look at him. She smiled.

"Hey dad. When did you come home?" she asked as she walked close to her dad and sit beside the man.

Mr. Jo laughed. "10 minutes ago." Yuri nodded.

She hugged her dad tightly. Mr. Jo seems shocked but then he returned the hugged.

"Hey dear. Something's wrong? You know you can tell me right?" ask Mr. Jo.

Yuri lift her head up and looked at her dad without broke the hugged. She shook her head.

"No. Nothing happen today. Just miss you."

Mr. Jo smiled and patted Yuri's head softly then he kissed on top of her head. Yuri close her eyes.

"How Yena? Did she treat you good?" Mr. Jo sudden question make Yuri open her eyes and suddenly nervous.

"Yeah.. She treat me okay dad. Don't worry."

Yuri answer and smile to her dad. Mr. Jo nodded as he believe what her daughter said.

The Next Day

Minju and Chaewon look at Yuri with a disbelief face. "Are you serious, Jo Yuri?" ask Chaewon shockedly. Yuri nodded.

"Did she really appeared herself yesterday? W-Whatㅡ" Yuri sighed.

Minju still can't believe. "She tried to kiss me." tell Yuri.

"WHAT?!" both Minju and Chaewon shouted. Luckily in the cafe there was no people except them and the workers. Yuri nodded again.

"I tried to pushed her. But she said she will kill you guys and my family."

Yuri bite her lips. Chaewon held her hands. "And you let her kiss you?" ask Chaewon.

Yuri shook her head. "No. Yena saved me. She saw what Gyuri want to do and yelled. Gyuri run leaving me."

explained Yuri and they nodded.

"Luckily Yena was quick. If not, I can't imagine what will happen to you. Thank God cause Yena was with you."

Minju said and Chaewon nods as she support what her girlfriend said.

"You lucky you have Yena." Chaewon smiles. Yuri raised her eyesbrows.

"Why so sudden unnie?" ask Yuri. Chaewon left out a small laughed.

"Yeah she's my bodyguard. Of course she will protect me." Yuri added and sips her juice.

"No. What I mean is, you lucky because Yena is the one who protect you." Yuri focused on Chaewon. "Means?"

"Yena is so protective, Yuri. She is.. She is protective when it comes to her family and her close friends. But with strangers, of course she's not. She's cold when with the strangers. But with you, she didn't right? But she care for you more. Don't you realized it?"

Yuri shut her mouth. She know what Chaewon said it's true. Yena protect her although they were just knew each other.

"So, you want to said that Yena unnie like Yuri?" ask Minju, startled. Yuri also shocked. Chaewon smiles.

"I do not say she likes you, Yuri. Maybe she is and maybe she not. Only she know her feelings." Yuri looked down. She bite her lips.

Yena likes me?

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