MB - seventeen

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Yuri shocked. She looked at Yena who already close her eyes.

Yena hugged her waist and pulled her more. Yuri's hands that were on Yena's cheeks move to her neck.

Yuri close her eyes and kissed Yena back. They kissed passionately.

Yena turn and walked forward to the bed. Yuri stepped back until she being pushed slowly by Yena.

Yuri lay on her bed with Yena was on top of her. Yena broke the kisses and looked at Yuri.

Yuri feel shy and she broke the eye contact.

Yena smile and burst her face into Yuri's neck. "I love you, Yuri." confessed Yena.

Yuri was shocked with the sudden confession. But then she smiles.

She hugged Yena so tight. "I love you too, Yena."

Yena looked at her with disbelief look. Yuri giggles. "Really?" Yuri nodded.

Yena smiling and she kiss Yuri again. Yuri returned the kiss.

THE next morning, Yuri wake up and saw Yena still sleeping beside her. She smile and looking at her phone.

Then, her smile fade away when she saw a message from Gyuri.

Hey Baby.. Miss me? I miss you too, my dear. Do you think I don't know you are sleeping in that Choi Yena's house? I know everything, dear. Even the scene you kissing with her yesterday night, dear. How dare you cheat on me huh, Jo Yuri? Remember, I would not let that Yena is alive!

Yuri speechless. She felt scared. Scared if Gyuri would kill Yena. Her hands are shaking.

"Joyul?" Yuri shocked when she heard Yena calling her.

She quickly turn around and saw Yena wake up from her lay and looking at her. "Is everything okay, love?"

ask Yena and she looking at Yuri's phone.

Yuri tried to hide her phone but Yena quickly grabbed her phone and read the message. Yuri bite her lips.

Yena then look at Yuri. "Joyul.." Yuri quickly take her phone from Yena and off it.

She throw her phone at the table and stroke her hair roughly.

Yena pulled her into a hugged. Silent.

Then, she can heard Yuri is sobbing. Yena tighten the hug as she kiss Yuri's forehead.

"Y-Yena I'm scared.. if s-she killed you." said Yuri and look at Yena. Yena shook her head.

"No, she can't kill me. I promise you." answer Yena.

She smiles then wipe Yuri's tears away. Then they hugging once again.

MINJU was walking alone to her car. That time, she was in the mall to buy a stuffs.

Minju get inside her car and start the engine.

She drove to her house and after 10 minutes she reaches at her house. Minju get out from her car and take her stuffs.

My Bodyguard [Yenyul/Yulyen]Where stories live. Discover now