560 15 2

TW: abuse
After what seemed like forever they were finally done and left me in the bathroom. After I told dream no he and sapnap beat the shit out of me. The words they said were running through my head.

You dumb bitch
You're gonna learn some respect
Don't call me Clay
This is why you have no friends

The sad thing was they were right. I was stubborn and and had no friends. I missed second period and decided to just go home.

I walked down the street embarrassed of the house I was about to step into. The paint was chipping off, one of the windows were broken so it had cardboard covering it, and it was overall dirty if I'm being honest it looked abandoned.Like no one had stepped inside in twenty years. But we have no money to fix it. Here I am taking out my key and opening the door.

I walked in and smelt alcohol and it only got worse as I walked through the house. My dad sat at the kitchen table with a beer bottle in hand. "Why the fuck are you home from school so early?" He questioned. "I- umm I" before I knew it I was thrown into a wall "I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMARTER THAN THIS GEORGE!" He yelled for the 100th time today I felt a hand glide across my face. Silent tears ran down my face. "WEAK ALL YOU ARE IS WEAK" another hit "CANT EVEN PROTECT YOUR SELF" I tuned him out he's right I am weak I can't stand up for my self at school or home and Amelia-. OH SHIT AMELIA! she's at school is she ok I didn't see her this morning. I hope she's ok. I need her to be ok.

My mum was never home and when my dad was shit like this happened. Amelia was my only escape my only comfort. Yeah she might only be in 9th grade but she's my sister I could never get tiered of her.

My dad stopped grabbed the bottle ran to his room and slammed the door. Alone finally. It was only around 12 o'clock, I felt my phone buzz.

HEY, it's Mrs.brown. One of the student's parents reached out and said they needed a touter. You came to mind you will get $10 an hour for 2-3 hours a week. Respond when you can.

Sure! Just let me know who and when.

Well luckily it's someone you know, Clay. And whenever y'all plan after school.

Did I really just agree to touter Clay. To be fair I didn't know it was him and if he asked why I can just say for the money. My phone buzzed again. But not from Mrs.Brown.

hey goergieeeeeee ;)


So you wanna touter me???? Why???? Is it because I'm hot???


Really you're getting paid for this??????????

Yes because having to put up with your dumb ass will not be fun

What did you call me

Shit I fucked up.

Did I really just call Clay a dumbass did I forget why I'm home early. And how is it already 1 o'clock.

-(time skip to 3:30)-
Finally Amelia was home.
"I'm in my room" I yelled my door flung open. "How was your first day of high school?" I asked "good would have been better if you were there"
"Yeah sorry something came up"
"It's fine" we sat in silence until she asked what I did today. "Actually found out in tutoring a kid at my school $10 an hour 2-3 hours a week"
"Cool who?"
"Clay" it was almost inaudible
"It's fine I swear just 2 hours plus I get paid"
"Just please don't get hurt"
"I won't"

-(sorry another time skip next morning Friday)-

I woke up and put on black skinny jeans and a gray sweat shirt. "Hey need a ride to school?" I asked Amelia as I walked down stairs. No response. I heard crying? Amelia?
I walk into the family room to see my dad standing over her with a broken beer bottle in hand. "please I'm sorry" she cried. He kicked her. Again. And again. "DAD STOP"
I yelled he turned around "and what are you gunna do bitch?" I kneed him in the balls and grabbed Amelia. I ran out of the house tears running down mine and Amelias face. I ran into the woods and sat her down.

"Hey look at me it's gunna be ok" even I didn't believe my own words. All she did was nod. "We have to go to school though it's Friday so no school tomorrow, alright?" Again just a nod. Luckily we both had our bags I didn't have my keys thought so we had to walk. But on the way there guess who I saw. If you guessed Clay you're right. "Hey Georgieeee"
"Please I'm not in the mood"
"Umm ok so when are you gonna touter me"
"Look you don't wanna do it so it's fine don't worry about it I'll just tell Mrs.Brown something came up"

"Look you don't wanna do it so it's fine don't worry about it I'll just tell Mrs.Brown something came up"
I could tell something was off he looked like he was crying? And his little sister. Are they ok? What happened? Most importantly why do I care? It's George I don't care about him. He's a loser. He means nothing right?

937 words
Eat and drink something have a good day :]

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