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~3rd person~

it had been a week since everything happened. George was doing good at his job and they all had went back to school.

"Mr. Found whats the answer to number seven?" currently they were sitting in math class mrs brown had been switched for another, meaner, teacher. "um 197." Mrs. Griffon looked at her paper then back at George. "how did you know that? did you look at my lesson plans or something?" George was shocked that she would think that he would do that. "no. i guess I'm just good at math." she scoffed and proceeded with the lesson.

the bell rang for the last class to get out George Dream Drista and Amelia Drive to school in the same car every day except for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. on those three days George has work right after school so he has no time to go back the the hotel.

George pulled into the cafe parking lot and was ready to clock in. he works the register and takes orders, he is being trained to learn how to make all the different drinks. people pass by in flashes and George is getting tired not to mention the amount of homework he has to do when he gets home. but someone catches his eye. a tall guy with red hair and deep green eyes. his eyes reminded him of Dreams. "hey can i have a large coffee with toffee flavoring and almond milk." George almost couldn't keep up. "yes anything else?" the man nodded "your number please." George about lost it a hot guy asking him for his number. George handed him a paper with his number on it.

it had been an hour since the man left and George was leaving when he got a text.

hey. I'm the dude from the coffee shop

oh hey. my names George wbu?

cool. my name is Oliver

well nice to meet you Oliver. but why did you want my number?

Oliver =-)
i thought you were cute.
sorry if that was blunt :/

oh no you're not half bad yourself

Oliver =-)
wanna go out for dinner tomorrow?

sure just text me the details

George shut off his phone with a stupid grin on his face and drove to the hotel.

when he got to the hotel he was greeted with a very happy Dream. "George i just got off the phone with my aunt. she said she accepted me for who i am. i told her about what my parents did and how all of us are living in a hotel. and she said we could stay with her. she has a room for all of us." George couldn't believe the words that just came out if his friends mouth. they could finally be who they were and they had a place to live.

"well i have some news too. i have a date tomorrow with some dude i met at the coffee shop." Dreams face turned from a smile to a frown for a split second before George could notice. "cool." was all he said before going to lay on his bed. he had been thinking and realized he had feelings for George, he thought George felt the same way but apparently he was wrong. "yeah we are going out for dinner tomorrow. I'm so excited." Dream nodded at his friend. he felt like driving just driving and not stoping, but he cant.

the next night was a Saturday so George didn't have to worry about school.

Oliver =-)
hey i was thinking maybe we could go to the pizza place near the coffee shop around five

ofc i'll see you then.

Oliver =-)
its a date

it was around three when George got the text so he had some time before having to get ready. "what time is your date?" Dream asked from the sinks where he was doing his hair. "five at Colby's pizza. why?" George responded from his bed. "just wanted to know." George found this a little strange but shook it off.

George walked into the pizza place and saw Oliver sitting at a booth by himself. "Hey i was starting to think i got stood up." Oliver laughed. George checked the time to see he was nearly fifteen minutes late. "Oh my word. i didn't realize the time." after that they made small talk just getting to know each other. their pizza came out and they began to eat.

"yeah i was very confused and-" George trailed off as he saw a familiar blond in the corner. "i'm sorry i have to use the bathroom." George said getting up. he walked over to Dream and snatched him to the bathroom. "what are you doing here?" George questioned. Dream stayed quiet looking at his feet. "Dream are you alright?" George asked softer than the first time. "no George. have i not made it obvious? i like you more than a friend. and i understand that you're on a date, and you'll probably date this guy. but just know I'm always here." this wasn't a good enough answer for George. "Dream. i- i like Oliver, and you liking me doesn't explain why you're here." Dream nodded "i just wanted to make sure you were safe. i'll leave." George felt bad but at the same time he was on a date.

when the bill came out Oliver snatched it before George could. once out side Oliver started talking. "George i really like you do you wanna be my boyfriend?" his voice was nervous. what Dream said was running through George's head. 'just know I'm always here.' 'have i not made it obvious? i like you more than a friend.' could he do this to Dream? but his mouth works before his mind. "i would love that." Oliver took George's hands and leaned in placing a kiss on George's lips. George was slightly uncomfortable with this action but didn't mention it. they said goodbye and made their way home.

George was nervous to see Dream. how were you supposed to act like nothing happened when it was very obvious something happened? nonetheless George took out his key and opened the door Dream was on his phone with nothing on but a pair of boxers and socks. neither boys said anything to each other. George grabbed sleep clothes and went to shower.

when he got out he heard grunting noises. surly Dream wasn't y'know. George didn't turn the shower off until the noise stopped and it took around ten minutes. he then heard what sounded like quite sobs. wtf was he doing? George pulled his clothes on and walked out of the bathroom to see Dream with silent tears running down his face. "are you okay?" George asked sitting down on his own bed. he felt more obligated to ask than anything. "yeah I'm fine." George knew it was a lie but didn't care. if Dream wanted to tell him he would. after scrolling on his phone his eyes feel heavy and he went off into sleep.

1185 words :>

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