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TW: SA. it is kinda scattered in the whole chapter. but mainly happens inside the -

its around eight thirty and i want to go early. "Dream come on." i yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "okay, okay. i'm coming." when he came down the stairs i couldn't help but stare. Jesus he was hot.

We got In my car and started driving to Karl's house. people were already loaded in, so much for wanting to be early. when we got inside I didn't see anyone i knew how ever Dream apparently did because when i went to talk to him he was gone. this wasn't good i felt myself start to breath heavy when a hand was placed on my back. "hey you don't looks so good, how about we go to the back." sapnap? what did he care. but the room felt like it was getting smaller, so i went with him.

he led me down a long hallway and gave me a glass of water. "thanks" i said as i drank it. it lasted a bit weird but maybe i was imagining it. then my head started to hurt and i could barely stand. sapnap grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. i looked up to see Oliver. woohoo. "hey Georgie, did someone spike your drink?" of course this would happen to me. he grabbed my shirt and threw me to the ground. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't have the energy to complain. he kicked me a few times and I thought that would be the worst of it. boy was i wrong.

"i know you've been having a hard time lately, let me show you a good time. Nick, leave us alone please." just like that Sapnap walked out of the room. Oliver started kissing me and i couldn't pull away, like i legit have zero energy. "please no. stop please." tears rolled down my face, but Oliver didn't care. he went down to my neck and left marks on me, marks that i would have to look at every day until they leave. my cries got louder and i tried pushing him off of me, but nothing worked. He just ignored me. he got up and undressed himself, this was really happening. he pulled my shirt off and went in to leave more marks. i wish Dream never left me alone, i should have never came to the party. he made his way down and into my pants. my cries only got louder until that was the only thing i could hear. then he slapped me and told me to shut up, so i did its not like anyone would come find me.


at the start of the party someone came up and pulled me away from George. when i went to look for him he was gone. i found Alex and Karl in the kitchen and hoped they had seen George. "hey guys have you seen George?" they both shook their heads no, so i left. where the hell was he?

i walked down a hallway and found Sapnap. "hey man long time no see." he casually greeted. "yeah. have you seen George?" "yeah i saw him with Oliver. i'm not sure where they are though." dammit if i hadn't left then George would still be with me. i once again felt myself get angry. i had to walk outside before i punched Sapnap in his face. my mind was foggy, i have no clue where George is. what if i never see him again.

George, where are you?
George please respond are you okay at least

it was like i was texting a ghost town. i went inside and searched every room in the house except for the ones in the hallway Sapnap was guarding. there was only three rooms but George had to be in one of them. i stomped my way over to Sapnap and began looking in the first room. "what you doing man?" Sapnap asked from behind me. i didn't respond and instead went to the next room which again had no George. that left one room. that had a Sapnap stood right in front of it. "what's behind the door?" "nothing" i pushed Sapnap aside and went into the room. i'll never forget what i saw.

George on the bed he looked lifeless as tears ran down his face, and Oliver on top of him going at it. Oliver looked over and made eye contact with me, and i let my anger take over. i threw Oliver on the ground and covered George up. "do you remember what i said to you last time we had an encounter? i said if you ever looked at George you would die. and im a man of my word." i picked him up by his shirt and threw him against the wall. i got a few clean hits in before someone tore me off of him. "dude just get George and get out of here." it was Sapnap. "no fuck you, you let this happen." i backed sapnap to the wall. "i didn't know he would do this." Sapnap looked scared so i turned around and walked over to George. "Look at me, hey you're gonna be okay you're safe now. i'm gonna take you home and get you cleaned up, then maybe some food if you're up for it. but i need you to be strong, can you do that for me?" he looked at me through his tearfilled eyes and nodded. we went out the back so we didn't have to see as many people. i decided it was only best to text Karl letting him know we left.

hey Karl just wanted to tell you i found George and we left. also did you know you have wild animals named Sapnap and Oliver in your house?

omg dont tell me they did something. i didn't even know they were here.

you'll have to ask George about that first part. but yeah they're in one of your spare rooms

okay thanks. also if something did happen tell George im sorry.

just as promised, I got George home and helped him clean up. "so do you want any food?" George had been silent the whole time, only letting a few sobs come out of his mouth. he shook his head no and i understood. "do you want me to stay or do you want to sleep alone?" again George didn't speak and just grabbed my hand letting me know i could stay. i got into bed and held George tight. he started crying again and ended up crying himself to sleep. i can't believe i let this happen again.

1133 words :( poor George

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