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~3rd person~

TW: abuse, homophobia

    Dream wanted to cry he felt like throwing up. "George wait out here for a minute okay i'll be out in a little." George mumbled a mhm and Dream slowly got out of his car. Dreams parents weren't supposed to be home for another week. and Dream had an eerie feeling as to why they got home so early. 

    Dream slowly opened the front door to be met with his parents, angry parents. "Clay care to explain what Nick said to us. he said you are homosexual. Clay you know thats a sin right?" Before Dream could get a word in his fathers fist came pounding down on his face. "CLAY I CANT BELIEVE THIS! GAY FUCKING GAY! no son of mine is gay." Dream felt his father hit him again and again. He looked up at the staircase and saw his little sister looking at him tears in her eyes. there was nothing he could do.

    he wanted it to end. he wanted to give up, knowing his little sister saw him like this. but he had to push on bo matter how hard his fathers fist was or how bad it hurt to be thrown up against the wall and kicked n the side. he had to push through for Drista, George and Amelia.

    his father stoped hitting him and his mom spoke up. "so who's George?" Dreams face turned red just at the mention of his name. "n-no one. George is no one I'm not gay me and Nick got into an argument and i guess this is his way of getting back at me."

    "i don't believe you. and until you can set yourself straight you're out of the house go get your things." Dream ran upstairs, even though his side was yelling for him to stop, and grabbed his suitcase Amelia and Drista following after him. "oh my god what happened." Drista asked going to hug her brother. "nothing" Dream said hugging her back. "go pack hurry" Drista got her things and they ran for the car.

    They got in the car and saw a scared George. "Oh my fucking god Dream. are you okay?" George held Dreams hand and watched as he winced in pain but nonetheless Dream looked at him. "i'll explain later." they pulled out of the driveway and made there way to the hotel. "mind if we stay with you guys. i'll get us a room tomorrow." Dream asked his voice was broken. "yeah thats fine."

    they got to the hotel and settled in when Dream spoke up. "i have the best idea. me and George share a room and Amelia and Drista share one. i'm so smart." George shook his head and laughed. "Dream how about you get some sleep girls you too. oh uh Amelia, Drista are ok with sharing a bed?" both girls nodded and slipped into bed. George went to the bathroom and changed into his pjs.

    "hey sleeping beauty." Dreams voice was low with sleep and George found it hot luckily both girls were now asleep. "oh shit didn't know little Georgie liked pet names. i can arrange that." George laughed awkwardly and crawled into bed. "Why so far from me George? do you hate me?" George flipped around now face to face with Dream. "no i don't hate you if anything i'm worried now lets sleep." with that both men faded into a deep sleep not worrying about anything but each other.

    they woke up around ten and were dangerously close. "imma go to the bathroom and shower, cutie." George again got flustered by the name. "don't think i forgot." Dream grabbed some clothes and was off. five minutes later Amelia slowly opened her eyes from sleep. "g'morning" she said trying not to wake the girl sleeping next to her. "morning. oh by the way i was thinking. you two can have this room, and Dream and i can get another one." Amelia nodded then asked a question George was not prepared for. "what are you and Dream? i mean you're always flirting and you sleep in the same bed." George was more awake now than ever. "we are just friends." Amelia dropped the conversation and got on her phone.

    about two hours had passed and Dream and George got a new room. "Why did you get one with two beds?" Dream asked acting sad. "because, Dream, you snore. loud." Dream flipped him off and plopped down on his bed when George's phone went off.


       ✅                🟥

    "i'll be right back." George said exiting the room. "Hello this George..... Oh thank you..... ok i can start Monday see you then." he did he got the job.

788 words :/

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