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~3rd person~

Dream fell asleep after a few hours of watching over George. by the looks of it George wouldn't be waking up for a bit.

Amelia knocked on the door and woke Dream up. "come in." Dream said sleepily and Amelia walked in. "is he gonna be okay?" she asked looking at George. "lets hope so. look Amelia, he got hurt pretty bad not only physically but emotionally as well. i saw it first hand. i'm telling you this because you're his sister, you deserve to know. no matter what happens to him, i never want you to give up on him." Dream had tears in his eyes, just the thought of losing George made him feel useless. "i wont don't worry. and George loves you Dream nothing bad will happen i promise."

finally an hour later George woke up. "hey George, how do you feel." George looked extremely confused. "h-how did i get here?" Dream cringed as he remembered the events that led up to him bringing George home. "lets just say i found you, before anything happened and brought you home." George's face twisted with more confusion. "Dream i have no clue what you're talking about. last thing i remember was going out to see Oliver, and you saying bye like you always do." Dream was shocked. on the one hand he was happy because George didn't remember what happened to him. but on the other if he doesn't remember then he'll go back to Oliver. "George i really don't wanna be the one to tell you this. but fist of all its Monday morning, and second a lot happened." Dream went on to explain as nicely as he could what happened.

"no- no that can't be right. i mean he does want to take it farther but he would never do that." Dream knew he would have a hard time believing him, but Alex and Karl are eye witnesses.

hey George is awake

sir duck 🦆
oooo can we come over?


Sir duck 🦆
ok be there in five.

"look i know you don't believe me and thats okay. but Alex and Karl are coming over maybe they can tell you what they saw." George was beyond annoyed, why would Dream of all people lie to him about something that serious? then it clicked. "look Dream i know you like me. I'm not buying what you're selling. if you think i will leave Oliver for no reason or to get with you you're wrong." Dream knew the truth, he also knew if George went back to Oliver it would happen again. Dream wouldn't be able to live with him self. he felt himself get angry with George for immediately assuming he made it up because Dream likes him. "George I'm gonna say this once so listen. i had a crush on you a month ago. this has nothing to do with that. i was looking out for you, clearly you think you're all big and bad because i liked you. George you don't know anything, you came to me when it happened, i fucking helped you twice. and this is what i get." Before George could say anything Dream left the room. yes he felt like shit for yelling at George, but he let his rage take over. god he felt like his dad. he contemplated apologizing but Alex and Karl pulled in.

"Guys i don't know what to do. he didn't remember anything that happened. when i told him he thought i was lying because i like him. i feel like shit because i yelled at him. but he said he's goin back to Oliver." Alex and Karl sat there shocked by what they had just heard. "we'll go talk to him." Karl said patting Dream in the shoulder and walking off to George's room.

"hey George. whats up?" Alex said. George was sat on his bed he looked very sad almost as if he was crying. "guys i feel like shit. i don't know what to believe. i don't think Oliver would do that, but Dream got really mad when i said he was lying." George looked up at the two men in the room searching for an answer. "George, Dream isn't lying. i'm not 100% sure what happed but i have texts to prove it. and Alex has a video." Karl showed him the texts explaining what was happening never once did it mention assault of any kind. so either Dream was being nice and not telling or it didn't happen. "i don't know. what about the video?" Alex pulled out his phone and opened the video.

yes it was Dream and Oliver. a lot of yelling. it showed Dream punching Oliver in the face multiple times, and him threatening death on him. it kind of reminded George of the Dream he had just saw. the video ended with Dream carrying George out of the house George had blood on his face. George couldn't believe what he just saw, in a way it scared him. he didn't know Dream could threaten to kill someone then just walk away like nothing happened. George didn't want to believe it, surly it was staged Oliver only ever put his hands on George the 'average' amount of times.

George slowly creeped out of his room to find Dream. he knocked on Dreams door and heard what sounded like band-aids being opened. "one sec." Dream said then George heard the closet open and ruffling of clothes. Dream opened the door and looked at George. "Hey i just wanted to say i'm sorry for the way i spoke to you earlier." George wasn't focusing on his words though he was looking at the fact that Dreams eyes where puffy and red and his voice was scratchy. "were you crying? Dream i know you were just looking out for me its okay." George placed his hand on Dreams shoulder. "no its not okay i could have worded it differently, been softer i don't know." Dream again felt anger rise into his body. why can't George just know that Dream did something wrong. "oh okay. well i'm sorry, for uh not believing you. it was dumb of me to think you would make that up. and i saw the video, why did you threaten to kill him? you can go to prison."

"he hurt you George. and i wont kill him, just beat h- wait what do you mean video?" "the one Alex took. but thats besides the point Dream you cant go around threatening people." Dream nodded and mumbled an "I'm sorry" George pulled him into a hug and they went to George's room and talked with Alex and Karl until the the late hours of the night.

1126 words >:}

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