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~3rd person~

the following week George helped Dream enroll at a new school. this school specializes in helping troubled youth, both Dream and George think that its a good fit. this school requires uniform, which was a white undershirt, a blazer with the school's logo, and a pare of black or khaki pants. Dream wasn't to fond of that.

the first day of Dream's new school rolls around and he cant help but feel a little anxious. what if he gets angry and forgets what George told him to do?

he shook the feelings and walked to first period. it was a history class, Dream hated history, why did he have to know what old people did. nonetheless he took his seat. "okay class today we have a new student from Long Field high, Clay Taken." Dream felt embarrassed, he didn't want any attention on him. "why don't you introduce yourself to the class." "there is really nothing to say." the teacher shook her head. "when and adult tells you to do something you do it. understand?" Dream was in disbelief. "you already said my name and where i transferred from. what else is there to say?" again anger filled Dreams body, he remembered what George said and pulled out his phone.

George I'm sorry i cant do this.

its okay. what happened?

idk man this teacher is just pissing me off.

okay calm down. what do you want to do after school?

go home and rest. play video games maybe.

cool we can do it together. i'll see you later. text me if you need me.

Dream felt the anger melt away after he texted George. however it was short lived. "Clay care to share with the class what you were doing?" great. "just texting a friend." the teacher nodded. "it the conversation more important than my teaching?" Dream knew it was but he didn't say it instead just shook his head no.

the rest of the day was slow with out George. Dream felt as if he was missing a part of him. "hey, Clay right?" Dream's head shot around to see a girl about his age standing behind him. "yeah but most people call me Dream." the girl nodded. "well i'm cara but most people call me puffy. i was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and some of my friends at lunch?" Dream pondered a bit before excepting the invite.

once it was time for lunch Dream made his way to the cafeteria. "hey Dream over here." puffy called out from a table of people.

"hey guys this is dream, Dream this is Bad, Skeppy, jack, wilbur, niki, and foolish." she said pointing out each member. "skeppy and Bad are dating and Bad doesn't like when people swear." Dream laughed at his new friends. they all talked for the whole of lunch.

it was the end of the day and Dream couldn't wait to tell George everything, from the bitch of a teacher, to his new friends.

"George i had the best and worst day ever." George laughed and his friends stupidly. "tell me all about it." Dream went in to explain his whole day and George sat there listening. "i'm proud of you. for not lashing out." Dream felt a slight burn on his cheeks, he was blushing. "well you helped so thank you." Dream looked into George's eyes and the world seemed to stop. Dream scanned George's face. from the way his hair flopped into his eyes, to his eyelashes and the way they curled oh so perfectly, and finally his lips the way the corners bent into a small smile. "Dream, hello are you okay?" George snapped Dream out of his daze. "oh yeah sorry." Dream felt a little embarrassed. "what were you staring at Dream?" George knew the answer, it was painfully obvious. "um nothing." "right"

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