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i woke up to a doctor in the room. "sorry i wasn't trying to wake you but you have some visitors." aunt Jane, Amelia, and Drista all walked in the room and the doctor shut the door. "how is he?" Amelia asked obviously fighting tears."i mean all i know is that, he's alive" I got up and gave Amelia the chair finally letting go of George's hand. my hand was cold and i desperately wanted to hold his hand again but Amelia beat me to it.

after a whole day of us being there it was time for them to leave. Amelia wanted to stay but the rule was no one under sixteen could stay the night unless they were a patient. so we all agreed that i would stay tonight.

i lied down on the uncomfortable couch and drifted into sleep.

i woke up in my bed. thats odd i remember going to sleep at the hospital. i got up and made my way downstairs the house was really dark. maybe no one was up. i kept the lights off and when i was in the kitchen George was at the fridge. "I thought you were at the hospital." he turned around and tears filled his eyes. "Dream. im sorry for what i did. i wasn't thinking straight and now you might have to let me go." that confused me he was obviously right in front of me. "George what ar-" i felt a deep stab in my side and fell to my knees. George's screams got louder and i felt like i was dying.

i jolted out of my sleep and realized it was just a dream and i was still at the hospital. and George, well he was doing the best he could i guess.

~3rd person~

it was later in the day and Dream was scrolling through his phone with one hand and the other was holding George's. Dream felt movement form under his hand and looked over to see George with his eyes slightly open. Dream was more than happy to see him awake.

"George. oh my god. im so happy you're awake." Dream squeezed George's hand a little but George didn't respond. instead he moved his head to face Dream and offered a weak smile. "Dream, can you promise me those things I wrote in my letter just in case?" Dream was taken aback by what he said and just agreed. "yes. of course." George felt his body shutting down and it scared him but also relaxed him. "Dream will you be my boyfriend?" Dream was in disbelief. was he dreaming again? "yes i would love to." George, with all the strength he had left pulled Dream into a kiss. the moment there lips touched Dream and George knew it was right. George pulled away and grabbed a pen and paper.

i love Dream. he is my boyfriend. i am happy.

-George found

Dream read the paper "i love you too George." George made eye contact with him. "i love you Dream." he let his eyes fall close. a few seconds later the heart monitor fell flat.

doctors and nurses rushed in to try and save the dying boy but it was to late. George was gone.

    dream couldn't believe it. the boy hes loved for a while now just died right in front of him. he was pushed into the hallway and cried. he knew he would have to tell Amelia, but he couldn't even take it in right now. he wanted nothing more than to be home with George in his arms watching a movie. but no. he gets this.

    the doctor comes out minutes later to give Dream the bad news. "im sorry but George Found passed away. but please keep this." she handed him the note George wrote right before he passed. Dream thanked her and walked out to the front. he had to call Amelia.

    he knew that she would be able to hear his crying through the phone but he had to do it. "Hey Amelia.... i uh I'm really sorry to tell you this..... yeah he did pass. im so sorry. he woke up one second and then was gone the next..... ok i'll see you then." Amelia was also sobbing understandably her brother did just die.

    Dream waited outside until he saw his aunts car pull up. three crying girls exited the car. Amelia ran up to Dream and hugged him. "its okay. we'll get through this." Dream tried believing his own words but nothing worked.

    they got to see George one last time before he was taken away. Amelia was sobbing mumbling 'im sorry' or 'i love you' Dream was doing the same thing when the paper fell out of his pocket. Amelia grabbed it and read it. "you two were?" Dream nodded and Amelia pulled him in for another hug.


    it was the day of the funeral. Dream did invite George's parents but they didnt show. the only people that were there was. Dream, Drista, Amelia, aunt Jane, Niki, and Puffy. Dream invited some of his friends for support. it began nicely. then Dream gave his speech.

    "i've known George a long time, and i'd be lying if i said i was always nice to him. about four months ago George got hired as my touter. we grew really close and became inseparable. he got into a bad relationship about a month and a half ago i helped him as much as i could but nothing seemed to work. the guy he was with did things i dont wanna speak of, which lead to George's death. on his last day i was sitting in the hospital room with him when he woke up for the first time. he made me promise to work on somethings and i agreed. he asked me to be his boyfriend and obviously i said yes. his last words were 'i love you Dream.' i didnt want to believe he was gone. i didn't believe he was hone until a doctor told me. he wrote me a note that day that says. 'i love Dream. he is by boyfriend. i am happy.' the best thing about this note is knowing that my love died happy. he will be missed but he was happy." Dream had tears running down his face as he walked back to his seat. he was sat in between puffy and Amelia.

    they had George cremated and Dream had a vile of his ashes around his neck on a necklace. Dream wore it every day. He kept his promise, the only promise he kept was the one he made to George about his anger. he never saw himself getting mad and when he did he thought of George.

1133 words :,[

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