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I walk in my house and don't see my dad or mom. Thank fucking god. "Amelia?" I shout from the kitchen. "Yeah I'm in my room doing um homework" her voice sounded rushed not smooth like usual.

"What the fuck!" I yell walking in her room seeing her trying to hide a bloody nose and a bruise forming on her eye. "Some kids were saying things about you and I told them to stop and um yeah" her voice cracked at the end and I ran over to hug her. "Look I know that's what you want to do. But don't ok? It will only get you in trouble. I can handle myself" she just nodded. "Who was it anyway?" I asked only wanting an answer to fill the silence of the room. "Quackity, fundy, and sapnap"
"I-um yeah?" That's it I'm done it one thing to hit me but not her they can't hit her. I pull out my phone and text Clay.

Call off you friends I don't care what they do to me but not my sister ok

What happened

Amelia heard Quackity, Fundy, and Sapnap talking about me and when she asked them to stop the beat her up.

Omg I'm sorry

Ik you're not and I really don't care just please don't hurt my sister

Will do
Read 3:24pm

What the fuck. I leave them alone for two seconds and they do this shit? I pull out my phone and go to the group chat.

The boyzzzz 🥶🥵

Wtf did you guys do after I left school?

Pandas 🐼

Furry 🦊
Nothin much playin gta rn tho


Sir duck 🦆
George's sister ran her mouth to sapnap and we kinda sorta beat the shit out of her...

So George wasn't lying. These bastards she's only 14 they're almost 18.

Wtf is wrong with you. Look I get beating up George but he's is our age she is 14. Grow up.

Furry 🦊
Damn dream take a chill pill

Pandas 🐼
Fr man Amelia had it coming

She was sticking up for he brother I don't want to hear it. Don't forget try outs are tomorrow don't be late.

No matter how mad I was I couldn't stand having a bad team for my last year. I was wide receiver , sapnap was quarterback, Fundy was center, and Quackity was running back. Tomorrow was also cheer tryouts. Hot girls doing flips in mini skirt. Honestly doesn't sound that fun to watch but nick will want me to stay so oh well.

I made it back to my room and my phone buzzed.

I talked to them they agreed to stop sorry again

Really? Thank you. Also do you actually need tutoring?

Yeah sorry I do :'(

Ok when are you free I can't tomorrow tho

I can't tomorrow either so Sunday?

Read 4:05

Oh that's right dream plays foot ball. I cheer always have always will. I been on the team since freshman year hopefully I would be on it this year too.

--(time skip it's Saturday morning)--
I wake up to the sun shining down on my face from the blinds. I look at my phone to see the time 9:17. Tryouts aren't til 12 so I have a bit of time before hand. I want to make sure everyone's awake so I shoot the group chat a text.

The boyzzzz🥶🥵

Pandas 🐼
Ok daddy Dream 😩🥵😏

Furry 🦊
Ok zaddy 😏

Sir duck 🦆
Ok bitch

How did me telling you guys to get up turn into you guys calling me daddy?

Pandas 🐼
Because you are daddy 😩

And with that I stoped messaging them and checked the time. 9:45. Damn time really does fly. I'll start getting ready in about 15 minutes until then I'll just relax.

At about 10 I jump in the shower. I wash my hair then remember George is busy today as well. With what? Oh wait he's on the cheer team how am I just realizing? I physically face palm for that one. After about 15 more minutes I get out and get ready. I put on an old jersey and some shorts. I grab an apple and head out the door with my bag in hand.

It was a 30 minute drive to the field and I wanted to get there early so I could get some extra practice. I pulled in at about 11:05 and sat waiting on sapnap who said he would be there at 11:20. I pulled out my phone when I saw the cheer team meeting. There tryouts must be starting before ours.

Nick the cheerleaders are starting

Pandas 🐼
Already? Ok I'm like 10 minutes away

Ok lmao

I was bored so I went to the bleachers to watch. Then I saw him George short brown hair in the wind, mini skirt, crop top, and eyeliner? Omg he's hot- wait no he's a nerd he's a freak and he's weird not hot. But that mini skirt hugs him perfectly and his hair has the perfect amount of fluffy ness to it and what am I thinking. Omg I can't fall for him not here not now not ever.
897 words
Also I'm thinking abt making sapnap a bad guy but idk anyway have a good day :]

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