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We followed coach may back to an office "your coach will be here shortly to discuss what happened" she said before walking out. "What the fuck man do you like getting in trouble? Why did you do it?" He just looked at me. "Why do you care it's George's family" he spat unfazed. "Exactly his family not him. Like I said before she's 14 your almost 18 sapnap get your shit together." He just rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say man"

Coach Josh walked in and looked at us "wanna tell me what happened?"
"Yes I would actually" I said before nick could say anything. "Ok go on then"
"Ok so I was watching the cheer tryouts and they took a break. That's when I saw George he looked all panicked so I asked him what was wrong and he said he couldn't find his sister. I couldn't find Nick at the time so I said I'd help look for her. We go to the food stand to find nick beating the shit out of George's little sister Alex and fundy yelling at him to stop but he wouldn't. So I stepped in and beat up nick. That my fine sir is what happened." I said sapnap just sat there wide eyed. "I see well how old is George's little sister because if she's under the age of 15 then nick I'm sorry but you can't try out." His eyes got even bigger "wait no that's not fair"
"So she's under 15?"
"Yeah she's 14" nick said although you could hardly hear it.
"Well I'm sorry Nick but you can't tryout. And thank you Clay for stopping him" and with that he got up and left the room.

"Snitch" nick mumbled
"I'm sorry do you need a third ass whopping?"

"If you wouldn't have told I would still be on the team bitch"
"I don't care what you did was wrong and until you realize that maybe you should be off the team" I scoffed walking away. Maybe I should text George make sure he's ok.

Hey are you guys ok?

George 🔵
Yeah I'm good but Amelias not I think she has a broken nose.

Sorry to hear. But I got sapnap kicked off the team.

George 🔵
Really thanks ig

Ig? Wow Georgie that hurt 😪

George 🔵
1.dont call me that
2.now he's not gonna leave me or Amelia alone because he'll think it's our fault

Shit I didn't even think abt that my bad

George 🔵
Whatever we still on for tomorrow if so we have to meet at your house.

Yup see you around 1 maybe?

George 🔵
Ok see you then

It was around 12 and tryouts are starting soon hopefully this won't take long.

I know he's probably just being nice because he wants good grades but oh well because reading those texts seeing he might actually care gave me butterflies. Oh god what am I talking about dream is a straight fuck boy foot ball player who gets drunk on the weekends to have sex with as many people as possible. But it's to late now I think I like him I'm not even his friend instead I'm the opposite I think, no I know he hates me but the past few days he's been nice? It's all so confusing.

It's around 9pm when I hear my phone go off with a text.

Clay :]


Clay :]

Nothing really what about you?

Clay :]
I'm at the park by your house you should come

Really you texted for that

Clay :]
Yeah... please?

Don't you hate me or some shit like that

Clay :]
I thought I did but you seem chill so I changed my mind :)

Wow the dream being nice for once shocking

Clay :]
So are you coming or not

Yeah just give me a minute

Clay :]

I grabbed a jacket and shoes and walked out of the door. Was I really doing this what if it's a prank. What if I show up and dreams not there. It's only a 2 minute walk and when I get there I don't see him. Great another time waster. But I'm already there so what the point In leaving. I walk over to go sit on the swings before I feel two hand around my waist. I quickly turn around to see Dream standing there. "Hey" he said I could smell weed on his breath. "Are you high?" I laughed. "Maybe" that's when I noticed how close we are I back up a little. "So what you wanna do?" I ask I never noticed how good he looks in moon light probably because I've never seen him in moon light before but never mind that. "Want some?" He asks holding a joint out to me. I take it and inhale some smoke. I exhale it and feel eyes on me. "I didn't expect you to know what to do if I'm being honest." He chuckled "hey rude" I laughed back. Maybe I was to quick to judge him.

We sat there for a good 45 minutes getting to know each other and getting high. "Your gay right?" He asks out of nowhere. "Yeah?"
"Ok I'm gonna tell you something that nick doesn't even know ok?" I just nod
"I'm bi but I lean more towards guys" my jaw is on the floor what did he just say. Maybe he's just high maybe that's it I go to say something but get cut off. "And I'm so tired of pretending to be straight it's annoying if sapnap knew he would make fun of me, my parents are homophobic, and over all the school is just a buzz kill for that type of stuff y'know?"
"Yeah I completely understand"
"Good y'know what I think we can be good friends"
"Yeah I'd like that" finally a new start. We can be friends not enemies maybe even something more... maybe

1004 words :]

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