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    i get nervous every day that Dream will say something to someone and get in trouble. i'm proud of him for holding it together for as long as he can. my school is offering a program on how to help people with anger issues, and i'm thinking about taking it. the only thing is i'm not sure how Dream will react. he might get mad that i'm taking the class because of him, or he could be grateful that i'm willing to help. the program is every day after school but we can pick the days we go. my only available days are Monday and Wednesday and as much as i want to just go home i know i need to do this. and as for the girls getting home they said they want to ride the bus, i'm fine with that.

    i grabbed my phone off my nightstand and called the number to sign up for the class. "Hello is this the number to call for the class..... ok can i come on Mondays and Wednesdays....... my name is George Found..... ok thank you see you then, bye." i did it and there is no turning back now.

    its Friday morning and i want to make sure everyone is up. i skip Dreams room for now and decided to check on him last. "Amelia, are you up?" i asked with a slight knock. "yeah i'm about to get dressed." her voice sounded very tired. "ok" next was Drista. "Drista, are you awake?" i got no response. so i knocked a little louder. "Hey Drista you need to get up for school." still no response. i slightly opened the door and looked around, Drista was sound asleep on her bed. "Drista you need to get ready for school." i shook her shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes. "okay fine." she said flopping out of bed. last was Dream, i hope he's not grumpy.

    "Dream, are you up?" it was silent so i knocked again. finally i opened the door and Dream was still sleeping. i went up to him and shook the bed a little. "Dream it's almost time for school."

    "i'm tired, let me sleep." he did sound a little mad but i kept pushing. "Dream please don't miss today, you left early yesterday." he opened his eyes and looked at me, yep he was mad. i started to panic a little and backed up. "Dream just please get up. i don't want you to fail." my voice was shaking and i avoided eye contact. when i looked back at him his expression softened. "Im sorry." he got up and got his clothes. he was doing better.

    school was going by slow, but Mrs. Griffon always has something to say to make me hate life just a little bit more. "so George, how's Clay? i heard you signed up for the program that helps with dealing with angry people. is it that bad?" i wanted to punch her in the face but i kept my cool. "we both think it would be beneficial. y'know if you acted like an adult maybe we wouldn't be in this mess right now." i obviously lied about the whole both of us agreeing part be she doesn't have to know. she simply scoffed and walked away.

    it was lunch time and i decided to text Dream.

hey just wanted to check on you. hows your day been?

it's been alright i'm at lunch right now, my food looks like cardboard.

ew. why don't you pack your own lunch?

it's fine. the food isn't half bad.

you're discussing. anyway talk to you later.

ok bye

    i'm happy that he hasn't gotten mad today. i can tell this will be an easy fix. "Hey George, how's your day been?" Karl asked sitting down at the table. "good, you?" "mine has been good. anyway i'm throwing a party tonight. you and Dream should come." i  thought for a second. yes i would be nice to go out. and i can just call in sick to work. "sure i'm down all ask Dream. but just a heads up i might not drink." Karl nodded "yeah thats what i thought." not long after Alex came and sat with us.

    i called in sick for work today, thats taken care of. and i just got home, Dream should be home any minute now.

    or not, it been an hour since i got home and he's still not back. i heard a knock at my door and then it open slowly. "hey George. what you doin?" i turned around to see Dream with a bloody nose and a bruise forming on his cheek. "Oh my god, Dream what happened?" i ran up beside him and examined his face. "this dude that we used to know goes to my school and we got into a fight. thats why i'm home late. i'm sorry." i cant keep defending him, if he's just going to keep doing bad things. "Dream let's get you cleaned up. then we will talk about it."

    we went into the bathroom and i pulled out some rubbing alcohol and poured it on a wash cloth. he let out a hiss of pain when i started cleaning his cuts but didn't move away. once i was done we walked back to my room and i sat him down on the bed. "Dream, who was it and what happened." i don't care if i sounded rude, he was doing so well and it was all for nothing.

    "first i wanna say i'm sorry, but it was for a good reason. so this guy we knew named Oliver ca-" "OLIVER!" He goes to Dream's school. holy fuck. "he just got switched over to my school like yesterday. anyway he came up to me and was acting all big and tough. saying shit like 'i hope George dies' and 'i'll find away to get him back.' i kept my cool and pulled out my phone to call you but he smacked it out of my hands and smashed it. then i got mad, he swung first, i didn't want to fight him it was self defense. i won anyway so it doesn't really matter. again i'm really sorry." i can't believe it. there is no way that happened. however if i say something then i'll be the bad guy. "Dream its okay i guess. oh uh Karl is hosting a party and wants to know if you can come." he visibly perked up when i said that. "yeah of course. what time?" i laughed a little bit at his excitement. "nine. be ready." and with that he left probably to get ready.

1130 words :>

only a few more parts 😳

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