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~3rd person~
TW: mention of SA ( if you don't wanna read that part skip the part inside the -)

    yes it had been a month since George and Oliver had started dating, and they seemed happy on the outside. but that wasn't the case. after their dates George would come home and just run to his room sometimes when Dream would go check on him he could be heard crying so Dream never entered. he distanced himself from everyone and started eating less and less. one of the good things that has happened in the month is that they all moved to live with Dreams aunt Jane. but as usual the negative out weighed the positive.

    its a Saturday afternoon and on Saturdays George goes out with Oliver. Dream hates Saturdays, George is more distant than usual and never really comes out of his room.

    "hey Dream wanna hang out with me and Drista?" Amelia asked from the stairs "no not today maybe tomorrow. sorry." Amelia shouted "No worries" and ran back into Dristas room. everyone, except George, knew Dream hated Saturdays.

    finally it was six and George was leaving. "Bye George, see ya later." Dream said this every time George left the house and never got or expected a response. George doesn't hate Dream or anyone for that matter, but Oliver told him that George should only be worried about him. and George not wanting to cause a scene complied.

    Dream anxiously sat on the couch letting the tv run in the background. he was very worried George always comes home around eight or eight thirty, and its nearing ten. he knows if he texts George he wont get a response. so he will just sit on the couch and wait.

    at eleven a very drunk George walks in the house sobbing. Dream ran to his side shutting the door and helping him upstairs. Dream got George in bed then got him a glass of water. he went to get up to leave for his own room when George grabbed his hand. "please stay tonight." George was still crying and painfully drunk. Dream nodded and pulled the blanket up to get in bed. George drank his water and cuddled to Dream holding on tight. Dream watched as the brunette drifted off to sleep. his mind was trying to solve why the boy came home late, drunk, and crying. it made no sense. Dream got tired from all the thinking and pulled George closer as he went to sleep.

    Dream woke up first and he sat there wanting an explanation, he knew George he knew that George doesn't drink, he's only seen George drink once at the party. maybe George has changed in the past month. George started stirring in his sleep, and his eyes opened.

    "good morning, how did you sleep?" Dream wanted to talk about last night but didn't want to push. "good morning, and i slept well. i have a massive headache now though." Dream hadn't heard George laugh in what felt like years. "i can go get you something." Dream offered, George nodded and pushed himself off of Dream.

    Dream made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a few pain pills and a glass of water for George. he went back upstairs and walked into George's room. "here take this and i can make breakfast." George shook his head "i'm not really hungry." This was always his excuse. Dream hated seeing his best friend like this, but nothing he said would work.

    "George, can you please tell me what happened last night?" George's eyes went big and his breathing was uneven. Dream hugged him and told him to take his time.

    "well um Oliver he always wants to take it farther. i don't even like kissing him half the time. h-he uh he gave me this drink and it looked a-and smelt fine, but it wasn't i guess. the rest happened in blurry splotches." George took a moment to collect himself. he was crying and he latched himself to Dream. "you're fine now. take your time." Dream said as he ran his hand through George's hair. "i was in his car and he took my phone. he started kissing me, i had no energy to move and my head was killing me. his hand slipped into my pants. you can imagine what happened after that. i yelled for him to stop, b-but he didn't listen. he told me that if i had let him do it earlier none of this would have happened." Dream grew with rage, if he ever saw Oliver he would kill him.

    "Dream. i feel so dirty an-and used, i don't want to be here anymore Dream. i cant do this i-i just cant." his sobs became violent. Dream pulled George onto his lap and placed his chin on George's head. "George there is nothing you could have done, he is crazy. George i know you can do this, Amelia, Drista, aunt Jane, and i all believe in you. you are the strongest person i know, i love you George." George just cried harder into Dreams shirt. George felt useless he couldn't even fight for himself, how could he help others when he cant fight for himself?

881 words :D
woah a lot just happened :o

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