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~3rd person~

    George and Dream took Sunday easy they mainly stayed in bed and played on their phones it was around four and Dream started to get hungry. "George imma go get some food wanna come with me? we can also take Amelia and Drista if you want." George agreed and Dream went to get Drista and Amelia.

    they all hoped into Dreams car and started driving. "were should we go?" Dream asked after he realized he had no clue where to drive. "IHOP" Amelia said looking up from her phone. everyone agreed and thats where they went.

    the waitress led them to a booth Drista and Amelia on one side Dream and George on the other. they all took a look at the menu figuring out what they wanted to order. obviously Amelia and Drista were caught up in their own conversation but the two boys were silent. "I'm not really hungry." George said as he closed his menu. "George you haven't eaten all day. please just something small." Dream pleaded with George until George gave up and said he would get a pancake.

    the waitress took their orders and walked off to the back. Dream really had to pee so he excused himself and went to the bathroom. but when he came back George was gone. "girls did you see where George went?" dream was obviously confused as Drista spoke "some dude with red hair came over here and got him." Dream knew exactly who it was, Oliver.

    Dream told the girls to stay at the table and gave them a 50 to pay for the meal. Dream went outside on a quest for George. however George was nowhere to be seen. he wasn't in the parking lot, nor was Oliver or his car. Dream ran back inside and asked the waitress for some boxes, packed up the food and left with the girls.

    Dream dropped the girls off at the house and called George, of course he got no answer. he was stuck, he had no clue where Oliver lived. what if George was getting hurt right now because he had to leave the table. he wouldn't be able to live with himself. he had to ask someone for help.

dude i need your help like rn

whats wrong?

okay so George came home from his date with Oliver last night drunk and crying. you know George, he doesn't drink. turns out something bad happened on the date. anyway i took him Amelia and Drista to IHOP. i got up to go to the bathroom and when i came back George was gone. i asked where he went and apparently Oliver took him. What do i do?

wow. um just stay calm i think Alex knows where Oliver lives. wait are we talking about Oliver Williams?

yes. and if he does can you two come over?

yes ofc we will be over in five.

    Dream watched as Karl and Alex pulled up. "hey man i have his address." Dream knew if he started talking he would cry so he nodded and unlocked the doors to his car. he put the address into his phone and started driving.

    it was only a ten minute drive but to Dream it felt like a life time. they pulled up and saw Olivers car, at least he was actually there. Dream was furious "dude just please don't do anything you'll regret. remember we are here for George." Karls words somewhat calm Dream. he got out of his car and went up to the door. before he knocked he heard screaming, it sound a lot like George telling him to stop. then the sound of glass shattering followed by complete silence. it was now or never.

    Dream pounded on the door, no answer. he did it again, still no answer. third times a charm he knocked again and finally a well put together Oliver opened the door. "hello what do you want?" he looked fine but sounded annoyed. Dream didn't answer instead punched him right in the face. Oliver stumbled back giving Dream enough room to get in. he looked over at the couch, he saw George shirtless and a smashed pot next to him. blood ran down George's head and his lip was busted.

   "What the hell is your deal?" Oliver shouted still in the door way. "no whats your deal man? do you like hurting people? does it bring you comfort? HUH!" Dream backed Oliver into a corner. Oliver was scared. Dream wasn't. "HELLO CAN YOU NOT HERE ME? AM I FUCKING INVISIBLE?" Dream was shouting at the man even though he was shorter he had a hell of a lot more power. "do you know what he has been through? of course not, because you're shallow, you're a bitch thats what you are." Dream threw another punch to his face. Oliver slid down the wall and looked up at Dream. "Don't fucking speak. i don't wanna hear you dumb excuses. if you ever go near George again or look at him or anything like that. you will fucking die. you have my word." Oliver sat there shocked as Dream put George's shirt back on him and carried him out to the car.

    Alex sat upfront with Dream and Karl watched George. "Dude that was awesome. we heard and saw everything." Dreams face grew red at Alex's words. what Dream didn't know was Alex recored the whole thing. "so do you guys wanna stay or are you goin back home?" Karl and Alex looked at each other before Karl spoke. "we'll go home for now. just keep an eye on him and tell us what happens." Dream nodded and pulled back into his driveway.

    his aunt was not home she was at work, and both Amelia and Drista were in their rooms. Dream picked up George and brought him inside. once Dream lied him down on his bed  he went to get stuff to clean George's cuts. George still hadn't woken up after Dream was done cleaning him up.  Dream sat in the chair in George's room and waited. it was only six so he wasn't tired and he lost his appetite after he saw what Oliver was doing to George. so he sat there and waited.

1052 words:"]

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