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I was about to unlock the front door until I realized it was 12. If I went inside at 12am and had no explanation other than I was out with friends my dad would literally kill me. The front door is risky but my window is unlocked. The window that is on the second floor might I add. Luckily we have a ladder somewhere out here. If I can find it I can get in safely. After what felt like hours but was really 30 minutes I found the ladder. I placed it underneath my window and climbed it as quick as possible. I open my window crawl inside and kick the ladder and to my surprise It didn't make that much noise. I close my window and change into pajamas. Tomorrow I have to go to Dreams house to help with math. Fun. Well maybe it will be fun after the conversation we had tonight. And with that I shut my eyes and let sleep takeover.

Its Sunday around 10am I always wake up fairly early I'm not sure why. Luckily my dad works on Sunday's Monday's and Wednesday's. And my mum is always at work so it's just me and Amelia. Amelia is going out with friends today so she won't be home alone. I walk downstairs to get breakfast ready.

"Where were you last night?" Amelia asks walking downstairs as well. "I- um- at the park with a friend." I mean I wasn't lying. "Who?" Simple question difficult answer. "Don't get mad. Dream" you could barley hear his name but her face filled with anger. "THEY HURY YOU AND ME AND YOU GO OUT TO "HANG" WITH THEM" I felt guilt build in my stomach but also anger. "No don't start. Dream helped you he got sapnap off of you. And as for me it doesn't matter it's in the past he's changed. And I only saw him. Not sapnap or Quackity or fundy. Just Dream."
"Sorry" why is she sorry? She's just looking out for me.
"Don't be. Now what do you want for breakfast?" I check the Time and see it's now 10:46 I need to meet with Dream at 1 so I have some time. "Bacon and eggs please" she said sitting down. "Ok"

About 20 minutes later food was ready. She was leaving at 12 and it was 11:06. "What are you doing today?" I asked handing her a plate. "Going to the mall with Lexi and Drista"

"Is Drista Dreams sister?" I asked sitting down. "Yeah she's cooler though. So what are you doing?"
"Tutoring Dream. Fun I know" I said sarcastically. Now listen Dream might become a good friend but he's ass at math. "I'll pray for you" we both laughed and finished our food.

It now 11:35 and Amelia is getting ready to leave. "Ok I have my jacket, my shoes, my house key. What else do I need?"
"Um your phone dumbass. Also here" I handed her $100 I know we aren't rich but I have my own savings and I can give it to who ever I want. "I can't take that"
"Yes now or you're not going" she took it and grabbed her phone.

We sat on the couch until she had to leave. It's now 12 and I have to get ready. I go upstairs into my room and get some clothes and head to the shower. Once I'm done in the shower I get dressed and look at the time 12:27. I don't have Dream address so I have to text him.

Hey Dream I don't have you address. I kinda need it.

[insert address]

Ok see you I'm 30 minutes


I put in the address to see he only lives five minutes away so I have some time to kill. I put on a show and watch an episode.

Now it's 12:58 and I'm running out the door. I get in my car and have no time for music. I put in the address and drive to Dreams house.

Any minute now George will be in my house. To help me with math buzz kill.

Knock knock knock

"I got it!" I yell my parents are home but my sister went out. She wouldn't tell me with who tho. I open the door to see George. He's wearing baggy ripped jeans and a light blue crop top that goes to his belly button. "Hey come on in my bedroom is upstairs" he nodded and followed me. "Hey Clay who is this?" My mom asked from the kitchen. "George he's my um touter." She nodded and we walked to my room. "Alright what do you need help with" right math
"Umm all of it" he giggle Jesus this mans laugh I gonna kill me. "Alright where do we start?" He opened the text book and looked at me. "I honestly have no clue"
"Of course. Ok how about i just give you the homework and you get some wrong on purpose that way it's not suspicious." I nodded and copied down some answers. "So what else should we do?" He asked breaking  the silence. "M'not sure. We could always just hang out here" I said focused on the paper.

After 15ish minutes I was done and we had sometime to kill. "Any questions?" George asked sarcastically. "I'm good if you are"
"Well there is one thing I wanna know" he said softly. "Ok go for it"
"Why are you being so nice to me out of nowhere? Like just a few days ago I went home early because you beat the shit out of me." Why did that hurt so bad It was the truth. "I feel bad I guess. I never wanted it to go as far as it did. But nick he's crazy and always said 'I need those papers if I don't get them I'm beating his ass' I didn't think he would until he did. And I'm so sorry for what I did to you and what they did to Amelia."  The words rushed out of my mouth before I could think.

"I don't know its weird. I'm scared not of him but more of what he'll do to my sister I can't loose her" as he spoke a single tear rolled down his cheek hitting his soft blue shirt. "Hey don't cry I'll make sure nothing happens. And if something does happen I'll make him pay. He won't hurt you again"

1112 words
Two promises which one will be broke?
(Both of them) ;)

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