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this is how Dream Viewed the Saturday night  might be a short chapter.

TW: sh. if you don't want to read that just skip the part with - above it and start at the next -

    hearing the news about George getting a date made me want to crumble. i had even told my aunt that i liked him. my mind is telling me to leave it alone and that he'll be happy, but my heart tells me to follow him and see whats going on, something is just not right here. it's either A- the universe hates me. or B- the guy he's going to see isn't really into him. don't get me wrong George is hot. but he never gets asked out and based off of what he said the dude is extremely attractive. now i don't doubt that George could get a date but this just seems off.

    ten minutes after George leaves i do as well. i sneak to a booth a few rows down from theirs. i finally get a look at the mysterious guy George is fan-girling over. my jaw drops. yes this dude is fine but i recognize him. he's one of Sapnap's friends and he is far from gay. George is getting played.

    they look like they are having a good time. then George looks up and makes eye contact with me. he excuses himself from the table and drags me to the bathroom.

    "what are you doing here?" his voice was harsh and i didn't have an answer, so i just kept my gaze on my shoes. "Dream are you alright?" his voice was a lot softer now and i just wanted to hug him and tell him about Oliver how he's bad but he wouldn't believe me. maybe i can convince him to give up on him for me. "no George. have i not made it obvious? i like you more than a friend. and i understand that you're on a date, and you'll probably date this guy. but just know I'm always here." George rolled his eyes before talking again. "Dream. i- i like Oliver, and you liking me doesn't explain why you're here." he was right  "i just wanted to make sure you were safe. i'll leave." i left the bathroom and made my way out of the restaurant.

    i got back to the hotel and checked on the girls they looked like they were having fun watching movies and calling other friends. i wish i could go back to those simpler times.

    i got to my room and jump in for a quick shower. i decided against clothes and just put boxers and socks on and waited patiently for George's return.

    George stepped into the the room looked at me for a second then grabbed clothes for a shower. he didn't say a word to me. i really fucked up.

    the thoughts got louder and before i knew it i had a blade pressed against my arm i pressed hard on my arm and felt my blood run. i let out a few grunts but the pain was over powered by the thought of George hating me.

    i had a total of seven lines going across my arm. i got up and cleaned them i got in bed and let myself cry.

    a few minutes later George stepped out of the shower. "are you okay?" he asked sitting on his bed. i knew he didn't care. "yeah I'm fine." he didn't respond. i heard his phone as he scrolled on TikTok. then he fell asleep i slipped out of the room after putting on some sweats and grabbing my key.

hey can i vent?

aunt Jane 😊

ok so you know how i like George? well he just went out on a date with a guy named Oliver. i know Oliver and he is not gay nor is he a good guy. something told me to follow them to the restaurant so i did. George saw me and pulled me into a bathroom. i ended up confessing that i liked him. he told me that he liked Oliver. and i'm okay with that i guess but i know Oliver. i'm just scared i don't want him to get hurt.

aunt Jane 😊
woah a lot to take in. well my take on this would be that people change and find themselves maybe Oliver found out he's gay. best thing you can do is be there for him let him know you're always gonna be there. if worst goes to worst they get married. i doubt that will happen. but you just have to be happy for him no matter what.

    so i was i was happy for him for the next month. 

800 words >:)

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