Chapter One- The Speedrun

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"Hey guys, welcome to the stream! How are y'all doing today?" you asked cheerfully as you logged into Minecraft. Your character popped up on the screen as the game loaded in. She was a girl with an ice-blue shirt, jeans, and a silver circlet with a sapphire resting in the center. Greetings rolled through the chat, which was at the corner of your screen, along with questions as to what the stream was about. "We're going to be playing Minecraft today. I'm doing a speedrun with a special guest," you answered. The chat posted various ideas as to who it could be. 

"Ranboo? Nope! Sapnap? Also no. Tommy? That'd be fun, but still no. Dream? No, but that would be awesome. Alright, I'm going to add him to the call."

You clicked a few buttons, adding your guest and close friend to the Discord call.


The chat exploded with "TECHNOBLADE!"

You laughed. "Yup, we're speedrunning with Technoblade today! So, Techno, you ready?"


The game loaded in and you and Techno got to work chopping down spruce trees. You'd spawned in a taiga biome, and you could hear a village nearby. You moved on to another tree and noticed Technoblade had already crafted an axe. "Wow, you're ahead of the game, Techno! I'm still using my hands," you said as you borrowed his crafting table. You crafted a pickaxe and ran off in the direction of the village. You looked back to see Technoblade's character sprinting after you. "Can't catch me," you teased. When you arrived at the village, Techno immediately started looting houses. You ran to a hill at the edge of the village and mined into the exposed stone. Almost immediately you hit coal, but that didn't really help. Your pickaxe broke before you could find anything useful, so you crafted some stone tools. 

"Hey, you got any spare stuff?" Technoblade asked, coming up to you. You quickly crafted another set of stone tools and threw them to him. He repaid you with half a stack of bread, which apparently came from the village. You followed him to the town square, looking for the iron golem. After about a minute of searching, you gave up. "Maybe this village doesn't have one," you said. "Well, one way to find out!" Technoblade replied mischeviously. "Got any blocks?" You showed him your stack of spruce planks and he grinned. Walking over to a villager, he nonchalantly gave it a good whack with his stone sword. The villager flashed red and ran into a nearby house. 

"Techno, come on, seriously?" you said, half exasperated, half amused. He grinned at you. "Well, it worked," he pointed out. "Here it comes." You heard a familiar clanking noise and turned to see the iron golem lumbering towards you. You quickly built three blocks up and Techno did the same. You hit the iron golem as fast as you can, staying just out of its reach. It flashed red about ten times before falling to the ground. 

"Four ingots. Not bad," you said, grabbing them and running toward the edge of the village. Technoblade darted into the village, quickly mined something, and followed you. You glanced over to see him sprinting at your side, a shiny golden bell in his hand.

"Techno, did you have to take their bell?" you asked. "SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE!!!" was his only response. You sighed and continued running. Soon, you reached a pool of lava surrounded by gravel and stone. Technoblade placed his crafting table and you used the iron to craft a bucket. A piece of flint popped into your inventory. "Thanks, Techno," you said, crafting flint and steel. By the time you found a pool of water and came back, Technoblade had already put up the cobblestone structure you needed to create the Nether portal. You placed the water and lava on precise blocks, forming the dark circle. A flick of flint and steel and the portal lit up. You stepped in and watched as the Overworld blurred away.

(***Time skip to about ten minutes later***)

You ran through the hallways of the Nether fortress, equipped with blaze rods, netherite, and because Technoblade insisted, three wither skulls and four blocks of soul sand. You skidded to a stop at the edge of a netherrack cliff and slowly began to bridge your way back to the portal. A ghast shrieked and blew a fireball at you, but you knocked it away with your sword and started placing blocks faster. "How does Dream do this so easily?" you asked Technoblade as you ran out of netherrack. He tossed you three stacks. "He's Dream. He's good at this game. It's how he rolls." You sighed and started placing the netherrack. "Wish I could talk to him. I have so many questions about speedrunning." 

Technoblade paused for a moment. "I might be able to arrange that," he said, typing something. "Yeah, he's good with that." He typed something else. "Actually, I can do better. How would you like to join the SMP? Dream's already okay with it."

You stopped placing blocks, shocked. The chat was absolutely freaking out. "S-Seriously?" you managed to say. He grinned at you through the Discord. "Seriously."

(***time skip to about fifteen minutes later***)

You stepped into the End portal, falling down through the stars until you landed on obsidian. Taking out some cobblestone, you bridged over the void until you reached endstone. You took out your diamond sword, waiting for Techno to draw his netherite blade. Instead he took out his soul sand. Placing it in a T formation, he added the skulls to the top. Blue light flashed as the wither began to form. 

"Techno!" you said. "You've just made this twice as hard!" He grinned at you. "Have I?" He motioned for you to copy him and dug down three blocks. He covered his head with endstone and tunneled over to you. "And now, we wait," he said in a dramatic voice. You waited. And waited. And waited some more. "Oh, hold on a second," Technoblade said suddenly, digging back to the surface. You heard several explosions and an angry screech or two before Techno tunneled back down. "I forgot to actually get the wither mad," he admitted. "I got between a few endermen and the wither, and it hit the endermen trying to fire at me. Then I got on the other side of the Ender dragon." You glanced at the health bars of the boss mobs slowly inching down. "They did not like that at all," you commented. Techno nodded and took out his bell, placing it between the two of you. "Oh, no," you said. Technoblade grinned at you and smacked the bell three times in rapid succession, causing a bong, bong, bong to echo through the small chamber. You smiled and joined him in spamming the bell as he yelled "SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE!!!!!!!!!!" as loud as he possibly could, which, you had to admit, was pretty darn loud.

After a few minutes of waiting, you saw the wither's health bar reach zero. The Ender dragon's health bar was fairly low. You followed Technoblade up to the surface of the End and took out your diamond sword. Techno finally drew his own netherite blade. As the Ender dragon swooped down toward the two of you, you swung your sword, making contact and causing the dragon to flash red. Techno's sword was a black blur, cutting into the dragon faster than you thought was possible. A few minutes later, you struck the final blow. The dragon rose into the air, shafts of white light cutting through the dark End sky. A few seconds later, it exploded in a puff of white smoke. A shower of experience points fell down onto you and Technoblade. You ran in circles, trying to gather as much XP as possible. The chat was full of things like 'Congrats' 'You win' and 'Great job'. You wrapped up the stream, answering a few questions and promising to talk to Technoblade about getting into the SMP. 

You clicked the button to end the stream and let out a whoop. "That was a good run!" you told Techno happily. "Eh, we did pretty well. Only 45 minutes and 32 seconds." You sighed good-naturedly. "Okay, we could've done a lot better. Still, it was a good one for me. Having you helping out made it a lot faster." 

"Oh, I'm nowhere near the best speedrunner out there," he said. "Speaking of which, there was one you wanted to talk to, wasn't there?" You smiled and nodded appreciatively. "You should be whitelisted by tomorrow," Techno told you. "I just talked to Dream. He's going to meet you on the server at 10 tomorrow morning and explain the rules and everything. You good with that?" You nodded again and he typed something else. "Alright, I'm going to go wreck some minorities in Skywars. See ya on the SMP tomorrow!" He left the call. 

You closed Discord and leaned back in your chair, taking off your headset and setting it down by the computer. You checked the clock at the corner of your screen. It was 11:47 pm. You decided to go to bed so you could be up on time for your SMP introduction. You settled onto your bed, yawning and closing your eyes. 

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