Chapter Twelve- Preparing For Invasion

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You blinked awake, your eyes slowly adjusting to the light. You sat up, yawning. You were in one of the many guest bedrooms in Sapnap's mansion. You stood up and stretched. Then you tensed, remembering the dream from the night before. It was so bizarre. What might have caused it? You'd slept before in the serverworld, but never had dreams like that. It almost seemed as if the serverworld was trying to send you a message. A dream that was a story... it was all so strange. You decided to put it out of your mind for now.

"Hi, Y/N!" Tommy greeted you as you walked into the living room. He was lying on his back, sprawled out on a couch. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," you answered. "You?"

"Alright," he responded, gazing up at the ceiling. "I had a really weird dream, though."

"Really?" you said alertly. "About what?"

"It's hard to remember," Tommy said thoughtfully. "I think it was about a world that became a planet. Or something like that," he amended. 

"What was the world-planet like?" you asked.

"Dark," he answered. "Quiet. Really quiet. But then there were these colorful threads that connected the ground and the sky. They were really bright." He paused. "Why are you so interested in this?"

"Because I had the same dream," you said. He sat up, startled. "Seriously?"

"I think so," you confirmed. 

"Explain yours," he demanded. 

"That would take more time than we have," you said apologetically. 

"What would take more time than we have?" Sapnap asked, walking into the room. 

"Explaining a weird dream," you told him. 

"We had the same one!" Tommy exclaimed.

"About what?" Sapnap asked curiously. 

"A world that became a planet," Tommy replied. 

"Nightworld," Sapnap murmured. Then louder, "I had that same dream."

"What's Nightworld?" Tommy asked. 

"The name of the realm," you answered.

"I didn't get that part," Tommy said. 

"Neither did I," George chimed in, entering the room. He stretched. "Mine stopped when it was a planet in the universe with the sun."

"Mine went a little further," Sapnap said. "Mine went until Nightworld hit Earth."

"IT DID?!?" Tommy yelped. "WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?!?"

"The strings bound them together and Nightworld became a realm," you said. "That's where mine stopped."

"That's where mine started," Dream said, joining you all on the couch. "Strange that we were all given the same dream. That's not a coincidence."

"What happened in yours, Dream?" Sapnap asked. Dream hesitated. "I'm not sure we have time for-"

"Oh, come on, Dream!" Tommy complained. Dream gave him a small smile. "We're supposed to be rescuing Tubbo, aren't we?" he asked. "Unless you've decided that can wait."

"WAIT DANG IT I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!" Tommy shrieked, leaping out of his seat. "COME ON LET'S GO LET'S GO NOW!!!"

"Relax, Tommy," you said. "You're not going to be any help in that state."

"TUBBO'S IN DANGER!!!" Tommy shouted back. "HOW ARE YOU NOT FREAKING OUT?!?"

"Tommy," you said again. "Breathe."

"I WILL NOT HAVE ANYONE TELL ME WHAT TO... no, you're right. Sorry," Tommy cut himself off, taking deep breaths. "We have to go now," he begged. 

Dream stood up. "Let's go, then," he suggested.

As the others left the room, you turned to Dream. "Don't think I've forgotten about your part of the dream," you reminded him. "You're going to have to tell me sooner or later."

"How about later?" Dream suggested wryly. You gave him an amused look. "As soon as we have Tubbo back." He grimaced. "That soon?" 

"Or we can compromise," you offered. "You tell me when we've got Tubbo back, or you don't tell me and I remind Tommy about this."

Dream gave you an alarmed look. "That's..." he trailed off.

"Extremely clever?" you supplied. "Outstandingly smart?"

He laughed. "I was going to say 'surprising', actually."

"You didn't think I was smart enough to come up with that?" you asked, slightly offended.

"I didn't think you were the kind to threaten," he corrected. 

"Ah. Not threatening," you said. "Getting things done quickly and effectively."

"Those can be the same thing sometimes," Dream pointed out.

You grinned mischievously. "Finally, he figures it out," you teased.

"Hey, uncalled for!" he protested, but you could tell he wasn't all that annoyed.

"Don't be offended by the truth, smiley man!" you said, shrugging innocently.

He chuckled. "I've never heard that name before," he said, amused. "I guess it fits."

"Of course it does, smiley man," you said, flopping out on the couch. Dream immediately threw a pillow at you. You pretended to be offended and flung it back. Almost faster than you could see, he whipped out his sword and shredded the pillow before it touched him.

"Huh," you remarked. "Impressive."


You laughed when you saw Dream's indignant expression. "Don't worry, I'm sure you can handle other things," you assured him. 

"Obviously," he agreed. "Come on, let's go."

You followed Dream out into the entrance hall. "What did we miss?" you asked the others when you arrived. 

"Nothing much," Sapnap answered. "Just Tommy annoying us all half to death."

"Hey!" Tommy protested. Then he paused. "No, that's fair."

"Okay, do you all know the plan?" Dream asked. 

"Break into Techno's house, find Tubbo, get him out, destroy the whole place along the way if we can," Tommy rattled off. 

"I wasn't aware there was a plan," George said, alarmed. "When did this happen?"

Dream laughed. "There wasn't one, George," he said. "Tommy just made that up."

"That's my plan, anyway," Tommy said.

"Sounds good to me!" you said, smiling. "It sounds like there's only one more thing we need to know!"

"What would that be?" Dream asked curiously.

"You guys ready to sneak into the second most secure place on the serverworld?!?" you asked enthusiastically.


"Not exactly the battle cry I was expecting," Sapnap commented. "But yeah, I'm in too."

"George?" Dream asked, getting up and extending a hand to him.

"I go where you go," George answered loyally.

You smiled, determination and confidence rushing through your veins.

"Then let's go get our friend back."

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