Chapter Fifteen- Thoughts and Promises

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"Sooooooo, what do we do now?" Tommy asked the next morning as you all sat in the living room. His eyes were bright and his smile was real for the first time since Tubbo had been captured. The two brothers sat close together, as if each of them didn't want to let the other go after losing him so recently. Dream sat by himself in a chair in the corner. You were on the floor with Tommy and Tubbo. 

"I have no idea," you answered Tommy. "Hey smiley man, get over here!"

Dream gave a half laugh, half sigh and stood up, joining you on the soft rug a moment later. "What?" he asked. 

"That's the question," you answered, grinning. "You haven't been paying attention, have you?"

"He hardly pays attention to anything I say," Tommy pointed out. 

"That's true," Dream admitted. "I don't."

"You weren't supposed to agree with me!" Tommy protested. 

Dream smirked at him. "Don't be offended by the truth," he said. You looked up and met his eyes when you realized he'd just quoted you. He gave you a small smile that no one else could see.

"You should really try living without that mask," Tommy said. "Then maybe the rest of us can tell what you're thinking like Y/N can."

"It's not actually that simple," you told him. "I can just sense what he's feeling and what he's looking at or what his expression is and stuff. I can't actually read his mind."

Dream looked slightly alarmed. "You can do all that?" he asked. You nodded and he looked thoughtful. "Interesting..." he mused. "Didn't think it was that advanced."

"It wasn't at first," you admitted. "When we first got here, I could just sense emotions."

"Wait, this started when you got here?" Dream asked, frowning when you nodded. "Must have been an effect of the glitch - no, the collision that pulled us in."

"Collision?" Tommy asked curiously. Dream gave you an alarmed glance. 

"Want me to explain?" you offered. He shook his head. "I should do it." He led Tommy and Tubbo away, leaving you alone in the living room. You watched them go, then sat down on one of the room's two couches, gazing around the room aimlessly. You weren't entirely sure what to do. You wondered what would happen next. It wasn't likely that Techno would leave you alone, not after you torched his castle. He was one of the most powerful warriors on the server and only one of your group could actually hold his own against the ferocious pigman: Dream. 

He'd given you a few lessons, but that wasn't going to help against Technoblade. You knew that if you were going to beat him, you needed help. Even Dream wouldn't be able to take down Technoblade if Philza and Skeppy were there, too. You needed assistance from more people. There were a few neutrals who you thought might help. You decided to discuss the idea with Dream when he was done with his story.

Thankfully, that didn't take much longer. Tommy darted into the room, rapid-firing questions at Dream, who slowly followed him into the living room. Tubbo ran after his brother and leaped onto the empty couch. Tommy instantly jumped on top of him and the two lay together, laughing.

"They seem to have no concern about the fact that we're stuck here," Dream remarked tiredly, flopping onto the couch beside you. 

"They're children," you pointed out. "They don't have much concern about anything."

"Not true!" Tommy protested. "I had a whole lot of concern when Tubbo got captured!"

"You didn't deny being a child this time," Dream commented.

"Well I'm not," Tommy grumbled.

"Neither am I," Tubbo chimed in.

"If you say so," Dream replied dismissively. "Child."

You smiled as Tommy grabbed a pillow and lined up his aim.

"That's not going to work," you warned, standing up and moving out of the way. "Believe me, I've tried."

"Really?" he asked, pivoting abruptly and launching the pillow at you. Your eyes widened as it sailed toward your face. Then a flash of white shot past you and the pillow was pinned to the wall. You looked in the direction the arrow came from and saw Dream pointing an empty crossbow in your direction. He must have shot the pillow down before it could hit you. You nodded in thanks and he saluted playfully. Tommy launched a barrage of pillows at the both of you, but you didn't move. You just sat there, amazed at how Dream could defend you so well and not get hit himself. After a few minutes, Tommy gave up and flopped back on the couch. 

"WHY IS THIS IMPOSSIBLE!?!" he yelled at the ceiling. You smiled. "If I knew, I'd tell you."

"It's called skill," Dream informed you both. "You might have heard of it before?"

"Shush," Tommy grumbled. 

You shrugged. "My skill is strategizing."

"Speaking of which," Dream said. "Do you have any new ideas?"

"Yes, actually," you responded, explaining your idea about talking to neutrals who might become allies. Dream looked thoughtful. "That might actually work," he mused. 

"Of course it will, I came up with it," you said in a mock condescending tone. "I am far your superior when it comes to making plans."

"Excuse me?" Dream said, smirking. "Have you forgotten who literally planned out how to make this entire server do what I wanted?"

"That's not tactical strategy," you pointed out. "That's manipulation."

"It's getting things done quickly and effectively," Dream corrected. 

"Call it what you want, it still can't beat me!" you informed him. Dream grinned. "Is that a challenge?"

"Sure," you agreed. "But remember what happened last time you challenged me? You lost."

He gave you a confident smirk. "It won't happen again."

"So, how are we testing the strategizing skill?" you asked. He frowned, thinking, then turned toward you with a cold smile. "How about a game of chess?"

You smiled. "You're on. Get ready to lose."

Dream radiated confidence and determination as he grinned at you. "I've lost twice in my whole life," he said. "First, to the whole SMP when they threw me in Pandora's vault. Second, to you in ender pearl throwing. There won't be a third time. I will never lose again."


Hi, everyone! Firewing here! There won't be author notes very often, but I just wanted to tell you all:


When I started writing Taken, I expected it to get maybe 50 reads max, when I'd finished the whole thing. I'm nowhere near done and I already have 137 views! Y'all are so incredible!

If you're enjoying reading Taken, would you please take just a moment to vote on it? It helps me a lot and it's great encouragement. Even more so are comments! Please, if you have any comments, concerns, corrections, anything, let me know! I'll always read and respond if a response is requested. 

Again, thank you all so much for reading Taken and I hope you enjoy the remainder of the story!

-Firewing :)

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