Chapter Twenty- Visitors

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"Yeah, so that's our dreams put together," Wilbur concluded. "Not that much to go off of, but you can tell us yours later."

You nodded thoughtfully. It was fascinating how the story kept unfolding, giving more and more detail that unraveled the mystery surrounding your transportation to the serverworld. It was clear that the lights in the room were part of the problem. They had appeared at the same time as the Piglin King. Random mobs nearby had been recoded to guard the room with their lives, so it seemed to be important. You had a vague feeling that you wouldn't be able to hurt the king with normal weapons. Maybe you'd need some enchantment? There was no way to know yet. Maybe someone else's dream would answer that question eventually.

Wilbur cleared his throat, reminding you that you weren't alone. You smiled. "Sorry, just trying to figure out the significance of these new parts of the story. I can't figure out where it fits into what we have now." 

Wilbur nodded in understanding. "I get that. I'm sure it's confusing."

Your smile was more like a grimace. "You don't know the half of it. The only thing that's more perplexing is Dream's mood swings. That jerk is so unpredictable."

Ranboo laughed. "Dream's mood swings?"

You returned his grin. "Yeah. One moment he's happy, then the slightest thing and he's furious, then he's fine again. It never ends."

Wilbur shrugged. "How would you know?"

You met his indifferent gaze with your own confident one. "I can feel it."

Ranboo's eyes widened. "You can what?"

Your smile was real now. "Yeah. I can sense what he's feeling and his expressions."

Wilbur tensed. "So you know what his face looks like?" 

You shook your head, not missing the fact that Wilbur relaxed noticeably. "I just sense his expression. The mask hides the rest."

Wilbur made no response. You gave him a suspicious look. "Why do you care if I know what he looks like?"

"I don't," Wilbur said. His voice was indifferent, but you could feel something... unusual. A vibration in his voice that was unlike the things you could usually sense. 

"That's not true." Your confidence surprised even you. "You do care. Why?"

Wilbur gave you a narrow look. "What would make you think I care about anything to do with Dream?"

"The fact that you tensed when I told you I could feel his expression, relaxed when I said I didn't know what he looked like, and are currently avoiding my question," you replied firmly. 

Ranboo whistled. "She's got you there, Will."

"Shut up," Wilbur growled. "You can say what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't care. You hear me? I DON'T CARE!"

He speared you with a fierce glare. You met his eyes calmly. "And you can say what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that I can sense your dishonesty."

"Since when?" he snapped. "If I remember correctly, that wasn't one of the abilities you mentioned before."

Ranboo looked at you curiously. "He's right."

You paused, trying to find the best way to explain. "I don't think it was one of the abilities I had before."

Wilbur snorted. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I didn't have it before I came here," you repeated. "I've never been able to do that before."

"Oh, and I couldn't teleport when I came here either," Ranboo chimed in. "But since I've been hanging around Wilbur, now I can."

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