Chapter Twenty Eight- The King

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As soon as Skeppy entered the throne room, there was complete chaos. Soldiers ran toward him from every direction, brandishing their golden weapons. Skeppy, looking nervous but determined, waved his hand. A bubble of shimmering diamond-blue light encircled him. The piglins stopped, confused. They didn't seem to be very intelligent, you noted as they poked the sphere with their weapons. A piglin brute grunted something at the ceiling and archers you didn't realize were there fired arrows from their crossbows that hit the sphere and disintegrated.

You watched in awe as Skeppy made a military-looking hand sign to the piglin brute. The brute grunted something and Skeppy made the sign again. The brute grunted at the soldiers and they returned to their places. Skeppy motioned for Dream to join him. 

"Here goes nothing," Dream murmured to you with a smile, then walked out to join his companion. Skeppy hesitated, then waved Tubbo out as well. The three stood together, almost defiant, as the Piglin King inspected them. 

There was a long moment of silence. Then the king made a noise halfway between a snarl and a snort. Tubbo glanced at Skeppy. "Um, he said to show him where the other ones are," he translated. You realized that Tubbo's ability to understand and speak any language was what Skeppy had called him for. Skeppy waved you all toward him and you kept between Wilbur and Technoblade, figuring that if anyone attacked they were the likeliest to be able to defend you as well as themselves.

The king said something else to Skeppy, who glanced at Tubbo. "He wants to know if this is everyone," Tubbo said. "Do I tell him yes?" When Skeppy nodded, he made a quick series of noises at the king, who looked surprised and said something else, to which Tubbo brightened and replied. The king shrugged.

"What are you guys saying?" Tommy asked. Tubbo grinned. "He basically said that only special people know his language."

"How does it feel to be called special by the boss mob we have to kill?" Sapnap asked teasingly.

"How was your shield so strong?" you whispered to Skeppy. "Last time it barely protected you from a single sword." Skeppy glanced over at you, then back to the king. "I've been working with Will on improving it," he muttered back. "That was... delightful." You smiled but said nothing else, instead turning your attention to the piglin king, who was looking at Skeppy expectantly. 

"Oh, uh, okay, Tubbo, I need you to tell him that we came from the Overworld," Skeppy said, taking charge of diplomacy again. Tubbo did so, then paused. "He says he knows that," he reported. 

"I know he knows, I just need to think for a second. Stall him for me," Skeppy said. Tubbo said something else to the king, who frowned and growled something back. 

"Okay, tell him that his soldiers are unnecessary," Skeppy ordered. Tubbo looked confused, but did so. The king snapped a reply. 

"He wants to know what you mean," Tubbo translated.

"Tell him that he's strong enough to show all of them who's boss so why are they there?" Skeppy said. 

"They're there for show," Tubbo reported a second later. "I love that, they're literally just there because it looks good."

"Tell him it doesn't," Skeppy replied. "Tell him it would look better with just a few on different sides of the throne." He watched as the message was relayed. The king spat an answer.

"I'm not going to translate what he thinks about that," Tubbo said. "He doesn't trust you enough to move his soldiers." 

"Ask if he's scared of us," Skeppy said. The king roared something, slamming his fist on his throne. "Didn't think so," Tubbo said with a sigh. 

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