Chapter Eighteen- Freedom

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Dream came to visit you on the first day of your captivity. You didn't really feel like talking to him, so you decided to employ the fail-proof tactic called complete and total ignorance. It was wildly successful. Dream spent the first three minutes trying to get you to look at him, then gave up and just talked while you laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. 

"I know you can hear me, Y/N. I know Ranboo gave you his book. I want you out of there, but you have to give it to me first. It's a simple choice." He waited for a reply, but you gave none. He sighed. "Think about it." 

You didn't remember falling asleep, but you must have because suddenly there was bread in your face. You looked up and saw a dropper implanted in the ceiling. The bread must have come from there. There were three pieces. You put the bread in your inventory but didn't feel like eating. It must have been a day since the last visit, because Dream was back. You grunted and rolled to face the opposite wall.

"Have you decided yet?" he asked. You threw a piece of bread over your shoulder and heard a satisfying thunk as it hit the glass. You could feel his almost-smile. "Are you going to answer me?" 

"I just did," you responded irritably. Now there was a real smile. "Bread throwing doesn't count," he said. You threw another piece to tell him what you thought of that idea. He chuckled. "You're just wasting your food, you know," he remarked. You threw a third piece. Now he laughed. "Where are you getting all of this?" In answer, you threw another four pieces from your inventory. Dream sputtered for a moment, then threw his hands up in the air in defeat. You both laughed for a few seconds. Then there was a moment of silence. "I miss this," Dream admitted after a second. "I really do want to get you out of there." You grinned. "Then do it," you suggested. He gave you an amused look. "Why should I?" You shrugged. "I'd be way more agreeable if I weren't in a room with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling and throw bread at things." That earned you a smile. Dream actually seemed to be considering your request. "No," he said finally. "I can't let you out until you give me the book. I'm sorry. That's just how it has to be." You returned his apologetic expression with one of stony silence. He offered a half smile and left the room.


"Hey, Y/N!" a voice hissed from behind you. You whipped around to see Ranboo smiling at you. "Ready to get out of here?" the tall half-enderman asked, extending a hand toward you. 

"Yes!" you answered excitedly, taking his hand. "Definitely!" 

He grinned and you felt the usual twist as you were teleported to a meadow dotted with brightly colored flowers. Ranboo led you up to a house that seemed to match the environment's soft tranquility. Pushing open the door, he stepped inside and you followed him into a room with an oak wood floor and blue couches pushed against the walls. Wide windows stretched out behind the couches, letting in streams of sunlight that turned the pale yellow carpet to a shining gold.

Ranboo collapsed onto one of the three couches and gazed around the room. "Nice, isn't it?" he asked. "I've been laying low here for a while. Not really my color scheme, though."

A laugh came from somewhere else in the house. A familiar laugh. "Don't forget who this house actually belongs to." You were on your feet before you realized it. You knew who this was.

Wilbur gave you a welcoming smile as he entered the room. "Hey, Y/N," he said. "How's it going?" You threw yourself into his arms and he hugged you back. "Nice to see you after all this time," he said. "Yeah," you agreed. "I haven't seen you in forever!" Wilbur smiled again and turned to Ranboo. "Was it easy to get her out?" he asked. Ranboo nodded. "He wasn't even guarding her. I just teleported in and out." Wilbur smirked. "He's gotten incompetent," he noted. You grinned. "He just got tired of trying to get this from me." You took out Ranboo's memory book and gave it to the enderman. Ranboo's face lit up and he held it close. "Thank you," he said softly. "⍜⎎ ☊⍜⎍⍀⌇⟒," you responded in Enderman. He gave you a grateful smile. 

"Alright, now that that's done," Wilbur said, running a hand through his brown hair, "How's life been with King Bossy?" 

You laughed. "I've never heard that name before," you said. Wilbur shrugged. "It fits."

"It does," you agreed. You then went on to tell them what life had been like in Dream's base, living with him, Tommy, and Tubbo.

Wilbur stopped you at the part where you rescued Tubbo from Technoblade's fortress. "You blew up his castle?" he asked incredulously. You grinned. "After setting it on fire." His eyes sparkled with suppressed laughter. "Maybe we do have something in common after all," he said. You shrugged. "Maybe we do."

You went on with the story and the others listened in silence. When you'd finished, Ranboo and Wilbur shared a glance. "The dream you described..." Ranboo started. "The one you shared..."

"We shared something similar," Wilbur finished for him. "It seems to be around the time that yours occurred."

"What was yours?" you asked curiously. Ranboo leaned back on the couch. "Just throw mine in there, will you?" he asked. Wilbur nodded. "I'll tell you the whole story..."

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