Chapter Twenty One- Departure

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You dreaded what you were going to see as you stood up and walked to the window. Looking through, the scene wasn't at all what you'd been expecting. 

Dream and Wilbur were engaged in some sort of staring contest. Wilbur was barely blinking and you could tell that Dream was no different, although the mask hid his features. You reached out with your senses and immediately had to draw them back in. There wasn't as much anger as there had been before, but the amount of pure power flashing between the two rivals threatened to drown you even after only a moment of witnessing it. 

"W-why are they just staring at each other?" Tommy asked. You grimaced but gave no other reply. You tried reaching out again. The floods of power washed around you, but you ignored them and pressed your senses forward until you found Wilbur and Dream. 

Wilbur had a slight upward tilt to his tightly pressed mouth. Dream's expression felt more strained. You could tell he was losing ground in this mental war. Underneath his facade of fury, there was a tremor of nervousness and anticipation.

Wilbur had no such qualms. If anything, he was becoming more and more confident. His emotions were hidden under a veil of fire sparked by the usage of so much power, making it hard for you to tell what he felt. You gritted your teeth and pressed on. The fire blazed all around you.

Then you were through.

And it was overwhelming.

Wilbur's emotions were ablaze with power and fury and something deeper. Something stronger. It pulled you further and further in until you realized that you had to get out before you succumbed to the same treatment Dream was going through. Scrambling for a foothold in the ever-changing madness, you managed to push back through the flames and pull your senses back in.

"Y/N!!! What just happened?" Tommy asked frantically. "You were watching them one moment and then the next your eyes were glazed over and you were mumbling something and I couldn't get you to look away!" 

You took a few deep breaths. "Come with me. We need to get away from here for a little while."

"Can I come too?" Ranboo asked, popping out of the shadows. Tommy let out a yelp of surprise.

"Oh, sure," you said. "Actually, would you mind teleporting us somewhere? I need a break from those two."

"Yeah, that's fine," Ranboo said. He put a hand on your shoulder and another on Tommy's. Then the world twisted and you were in the streets of L'manberg.

"Sooooooo, how long were you there watching us?" Tommy asked.

"Not long," Ranboo answered. "Will and Dream were still yelling at each other. Then Dream glared at me and you know how I don't really like eye contact... or him in particular... so I just left. Teleported outside. Then things got quiet. Somehow that was scarier than the yelling. There would never be such a sudden ending to a conflict that large." He gave you a worried look. "Do you know what's going on in there? Is Will gonna be okay?"

"Oh, don't worry," you said grimly. "Wilbur is going to be fine. It's Dream who might not be the same."

"After a staring contest?" Ranboo said skeptically. 

"Believe me, that was more than a staring contest," you said. "I would know. I felt it."

Tommy shuddered. "It was that bad?"

"Yeah," you responded. "It's probably over by now, though."

"Should we go back?" Tommy asked.

"I think it would be safer if it's just me," you said. "Ranboo, could you take me back and stay here with him?"

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