Chapter Two- The Introduction

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You woke up at about 9:30 in the morning and immediately got your computer up and running. Today, you were getting introduced to the SMP server! You couldn't wait. You sent a quick message to Technoblade. 

                                                                        Can't wait to get started today!

Excited for you! I'll be logging on at about 11 with Philza and
Skeppy, so maybe we can hang out!

                                                     I'd love that! Gtg meet Dream now! Bye!


You smiled and put your phone down on your desk. You grabbed your headset and slipped it on, adjusting your microphone. Clicking a few buttons, you got Minecraft up and running. You checked your server list and sure enough, there was the server address for the Dream SMP. You clicked the join button.

You materialized in a small area boxed in by a wall of dirt and cobblestone. A few spruce trees were growing near you, but there wasn't much else to see. You waited, glancing at your clock, which was set up on your desk. 9:59. Almost time. Your heart sped up with excitement as you counted the seconds until the hour. 36...35...34...33... You took deep breaths and opened Discord, where Dream was supposed to send you a call invite. 21...20...19...18... The Discord showed an incoming call invite. Your heart sped up again. 12...11...10...9... Your computer made a pinging noise as you were invited to join Dream's call. 7...6...5...4... You accepted the invite and the computer started the call. 3...2...1...

The unmistakable bright green character appeared on your screen as the voice you thought you'd only ever hear through YouTube spoke directly to you. 

"Welcome, Y/N." His voice was soft, but full of confidence, just the way you remembered it. And that confidence was truly well earned. "Welcome to my world."

You smiled somewhat nervously, having never spoken to Dream before. "It's really amazing to be here." Dream smiled back. "Well, would you like a tour? I highly doubt our spawn area has much to offer." You nodded, feeling more at home already. Well, as at home as you could be in a world of pixels.

Dream led you to a place where the dirt wall faded into a tunnel, curving under the wall and away from the box of dirt and cobblestone. You followed him to a desolate crater full of lava and water. "This is L'manberg," he said. "Or at least what remains of it." You nodded, knowing the history of the server, having watched every video in the series several times. He led you to a large city. "This is where we've started rebuilding." You nodded again and he continued the tour. "This is Pandora's Box, the best jail on the server. Also the one I was held in. Well, I still am, at least canonically."

"When are you getting out?" you asked. He shrugged. "No idea. Don't know how yet. Maybe Technoblade can come break me out." You smiled, imagining a vicious pigman tearing into the obsidian of the prison. "He's coming with Philza and Skeppy at 11, by the way," you told Dream.

"Okay." Dream led you to a snow-covered house with a horse outside. "We can wait for them here." You looked around. "This is Techno's house, isn't it?" you asked. "Yep," Dream said. "They should be here any minute now." You checked your clock. 10:56. You wandered around the area for a while, amusing yourself by looking for the spot where Dream made and destroyed his "Evil Lair" made of dirt and cobblestone. 11:02. You weren't surprised, Techno was usually a little late. You headed back to his house, where Dream was standing next to the wood, pretending to lean against it. 11:06. 

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