Chapter Ten- Battle Planning

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"WHAT?!?" Tommy yelled. "Seriously?"

"It's a possibility," you pointed out.

"No no no, we have to find him," Tommy muttered. "He might be in danger!"

"That goes without saying," Dream confirmed. 

"NOT HELPFUL!!!" Tommy shouted. Dream smirked.

"You two, stop sniping at each other and let's talk about this like sensible people," you said, irritated. "We have bigger issues than you guys' little argument."

"Fine," Tommy agreed. "So what do we do now?"

"Well first, we have to figure out where he actually is," Dream said. "Then we have to figure out how to get there. After that, we have to figure out how to get to him. And then we have to figure out how to get him out."

"Do you have any idea how to do any of that?" you asked. Dream glanced at Tommy. 

"Yes, yes, of course, right," Tommy mumbled, pulling out a compass. Its surface gave off a faint purple glow. "We can use this."

"Does that lead to Tubbo?" you asked. He nodded. "It'll at least point us in the general direction."

"You didn't think that would be helpful to point out before?" you questioned. 

"It's been taken from me way too often to just show it to everyone," he muttered, giving Dream a pointed look. 

"Alright, anything else we have that will get us into Techno's base?" you asked, ignoring them and looking around the room. 

"Lots of weapons and arrows and maybe a bomb or two," Tommy suggested.

"I also have some friends that might help us," Dream added. You grinned. "If I'm right about who those friends are, then they'll definitely help us," you said. Dream chuckled. "You're probably right," he admitted. "Wow, I need to hear that more often," you remarked. "Oh, be quiet," Dream said, rolling his eyes in amusement. You smiled, then got back to serious discussion. 

"Who all's going to be there at the base with Techno?" you wondered aloud. Dream looked at the ceiling, thinking. "Phil, definitely," he answered slowly. "Skeppy also went with him." He looked back down at the table. "I think everyone else is neutral, though."

"So were we," Tommy pointed out. "We should be prepared for more than three people."

"Good idea," you agreed. "And even if it is only three people, they're likely to be well armored. We need to stay on guard."

"Oh, they are definitely going to be well armored," Dream confirmed. 

"Unlike us," Tommy muttered. Dream gave him a sideways look. "Where did you get that idea?" he asked.

"From the fact that we have one set of iron armor," Tommy answered dryly.

"You really think I wouldn't have backups in case I was here and needed more?" Dream laughed. "You seriously underestimate me, Tommy."

"Hey, it's a fact of life. Everyone underestimates you," Tommy pointed out with a mischievous grin. "It's called a plotline."

"I'm not even going to answer that," Dream said, turning back to you. "Any other ideas?"

"Do you have any - no, better question. How many potions do you have?" you asked. He shrugged. "A lot. Which kind?" You considered that. "Strength, Swiftness, Invisibility, and possibly Fire Resistance," you listed. He nodded. "I have plenty of those. I'll go get them, you two discuss more ideas." He walked out of the room.

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now