Chapter Twenty Five- Zephyr

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You were deep in the underground caverns. According to the ancient runes on the entrance arch, these caves were called the Isiri Dungeons. Apparently, George's ability allowed him to read any language as well as see heat and invisible people. It was kind of ironic but also hilarious that the person who couldn't see color could see everything else.

You weren't sure what level you were currently on. You'd lost track of how many floors you'd gone down, but you knew it was somewhere past one hundred. You hadn't come across very many powerful mobs. Endermen had stayed away, or in other parts of the caves, thanks to you and Ranboo talking to them beforehand and warning them not to come near the group. Many of the regular mobs had been easily taken care of. The two boss mobs you'd encountered on level fifty and level one hundred had been defeated without much trouble. You assumed you were somewhere near one hundred forty by now. 

You stepped through the doorway into the next chamber, holding your diamond sword at the ready. White light blazed in front of you: *149- Break point next level*

Without a second to spare, you dropped to the floor as a black tail slashed the air over your head. 

"Y/N!" Dream called, running into the room behind you. He knelt down next to you. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine- look out!" you warned, rolling away as the tail stabbed down again, causing the floor to crack in a few places.

"I can't even see it clearly," Dream muttered, getting to his feet.

"I can't see it at all!" you exclaimed.

"I can," George informed you, edging into the room.

"Me too," Ranboo said. "I guess I'm enderman enough to see in the dark."

"I can't really describe it though," George said. "It's... weird."

"I can try," Ranboo offered. "It's like... okay, so it looks like a lion, but it has a scorpion's tail. But instead of the stinger, it's more like a blade. It has four legs, but instead of paws it has talons. Its head is the head of a cobra, and its front half is covered in black fur, but its back half is covered in black scales. Oh, and it has purple eyes."

The last part was unnecessary. You could see the beast's eyes yourself, gleaming like purple streetlights in the darkness of the room. 

"Can you see a weakness anywhere?" you asked breathlessly, straining to make out the shape of the mysterious animal. 

"No, not yet, but I'll keep looking," Ranboo answered.

The beast let out a shrill roar and advanced. As it got closer, you were able to see a few details in its appearance. Suddenly, light flooded the room and endermen appeared all around you.

"What are these guys doing here?" you groaned, holding your sword at the ready.

"No clue," Ranboo shrugged. "I told them to stay out of here."

"My guess is that the beast sent out some sort of distress call," Dream offered, overhearing. "That would explain why they're here, and why they attacked unprovoked."

"Maybe," you conceded. "I guess we'd better get rid of them."

"They're pretty fast," Technoblade remarked, swinging his sword at an enderman. "Faster than they should be."

Two endermen attacked you and you searched your inventory, pulling out a lingering potion bottle filled with water. Throwing it onto the ground, you created a cloud of water particles around you that forced the endermen to back off. 

"Use your water bottles!" you yelled to the rest of the group. "They can't come close enough to attack if you're surrounded by the water particles!"

"Uh, yeah, problem," Ranboo said as he dodged a hit from an enderman. "Neither can I."

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