Chapter Seven- Accusations and Attacks

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"Technoblade is trying to destroy our world."

The announcement left everyone in the crowd silent. Everyone who had originally appeared when the server dragged you in was gathered in L'manberg, where the Red Festival had taken place. Everyone was there, but for a moment nobody understood.

"WHAT!?!" Technoblade roared. "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH A THING!"

Dream shook his head as if trying to get Techno to understand. "I have seen your work with my own eyes, Technoblade," he said solemnly. "I've seen the weapons. I've seen the hounds. I've seen the explosives."


The crowd murmured amongst themselves. You didn't know what to think. You thought that Techno was telling the truth, but you couldn't understand why Dream would accuse him of something so serious without any real proof. Their emotions weren't telling you anything, either. Dream was calm and collected, as usual, but Technoblade was emitting a furious rage so powerful it nearly drove you to the ground. He really did look capable of destroying the world.

But would he?

"The time has come to choose who you believe," Dream said. "Do you think that this pigman, who has destroyed nations before, let me remind you, is telling the truth? Or do you think that I really have seen his work with my own eyes?" He gazed over the crowd. Maybe he saw something he didn't like there, because he then added: "If you have any doubts about who's giving you the right story, you might want to remember when Technoblade claimed to be searching for his stolen weapons in this very city and instead burned the whole land to the ground!

"Then," Technoblade continued for him, "you poured TNT from the sky grid and destroyed the ground as well."

You thought for a moment that Dream looked a bit taken aback, as if he hadn't wanted that part of the story announced to the world. But he recovered quickly. "Choose your sides," he demanded. "Who do you believe?"

The crowd was silent. Then Philza stepped forward, his silver wings gleaming in the sunlight. "I believe Technoblade," he announced. "Yes, he has destroyed this nation before, and yes, he is fully capable of doing it again, but he always has a reason for what he does. There is no reason for this accusation."

You could sense Dream's scowl through the mask, but his voice betrayed nothing. "Of course you would think so," he said smoothly. "You're practically his best friend." 

"I am his best friend," Philza corrected. Technoblade nodded.

Dream looked at someone to his right, and it took a moment for you to spot George and Sapnap, hidden in shadows. George strode over to Dream with Sapnap right behind him. "I'm on Dream's side no matter what happens," he said firmly. Sapnap nodded in agreement.

"Um," someone started timidly. You turned to see BadBoyHalo clearing his throat. "I'm not getting involved in this debate. I'm not taking sides." He walked over to an empty space on the road and stood there alone. "I'm not fighting." Skeppy shrugged and joined Technoblade, but Ranboo looked indecisive. Tubbo looked at Techno, then at Dream. A moment passed. Then he went to stand beside Bad. "I'm not fighting either," he announced. Ranboo joined him with a relieved look. Tommy grabbed your hand and tugged you toward the group. You smiled and followed him. 

Techno gave you a wounded look. "I thought you knew me better," he said. "I do know you," you protested. "I just don't want to fight about it." Techno scowled. "You believe Dream, don't you?" he asked accusingly. "You think I am planning to destroy the server."

"No!" you protested. "I believe you! I know you wouldn't do any of that! I just don't see why we need to fight! Can't any of you solve your problems peacefully?"

There was a moment of silence. The people in the neutral group looked at the people who had chosen sides. 

"That's just how things are here," Dream said. "We settle things by showing power, but some people think they have more power than others." Here he looked pointedly at Technoblade. 

"Yes, you," the pigman muttered, glaring at him. 

"It's not my fault that everyone wants to have a war instead of talking things out," Dream continued. 

"Not everyone," you pointed out. "Look at all of these people," you gestured toward the group that had gathered in the neutral area. "Nobody in this group wants to fight. We just want to figure this out peacefully."

Technoblade scowled at you. "Not everyone is as peace-loving as you, Y/N," he growled. "And you're either with me or against me, and I see you've chosen against me."

"I'm not against you, Technoblade!" you exclaimed. "YOU ARE!!!" he shouted. "You forfeited my friendship when you chose not to side with me to begin with!" 

To your alarm, he drew his netherite sword. "No one who stands against me stands against me for long," he snarled, taking a menacing step toward you. You backed away from the group, then turned and ran. Technoblade raced after you. You weren't sure why you were running. Your pursuer had much longer legs and was already catching up to you. You knew your only chance was to fight him long enough to get away. You stopped and whirled around, drawing your iron sword as Technoblade ran into the clearing. He saw you and stopped. His tusks gleamed as he smiled triumphantly. "Now I've got you," he said. A rustle came from the bushes to your right and two people you were very familiar with darted into the clearing. 

"Tommy! Tubbo! What are you guys doing here?!?" you ask as they stand on either side of you. "We're saving you!" Tommy declared. "Well, I think so, anyway," Tubbo amended. Tommy elbowed him. "Come on, we can take him! He can't defeat all three of us!"

"Actually, I can," Technoblade informed the three of you, sounding greatly amused. You looked toward him - then realized he wasn't there anymore. Pain blazed through your leg as Techno's sword slashed into the skin, hitting muscle. You clenched your teeth, trying not to yell. Tommy drew his iron blade and swung it at the pigman. Techno parried it easily and swung his sword up to block Tubbo's, which had nearly hit him in the head. Tubbo yelped as Techno's sword dug into his arm.

"Techno, stop!" you yelled. "Please! You don't have to hurt us!"

"Maybe not," he agreed. "But I certainly want to."

He swung his sword again, a black blur cutting through the air so fast that it split the sky and created a thundering crash as it hit another blade. The blade of someone who dropped from the trees above. 

Dream's blade.

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now