Chapter Twenty Nine- Last Cause

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Nightworld was in danger. 

It didn't know what from. It didn't know why. It didn't know what it was supposed to do.

It didn't care, either. 

The world was indifferent to what happened to it. If it could survive being scorched by Earth's fire, it could survive anything. 

But the strings that connected it to Earth were trembling, sending along messages of tension and anxiety. 

Nightworld didn't know it could feel anxiety.

But it was there, a soft thrum of worry for its safety when all that used to be was peace. It wanted that back.

It longed for what it used to be.


It seemed as if the blinding blue light would never clear. That it would just go on, turning even the fire of the Nether to the color of the sea. You were floating in the light, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for anything.

Then there was a deafening roar of fury and a flash of white cleared the blue.

The Piglin King was gone.

Zephyr lay on the netherrack floor, shining a bright blue. You picked it up and the light faded to a subtle glow.

You looked around.

The area around you was in splinters. Shards of netherrack littered the ground, stabbing into the soft rock below it and threatening to pierce the feet of anyone who walked there. Very few stalactites adorned the ceiling. You looked and saw most of them scattered across the ground. Even the land itself was scarred. You were standing in a small crater. What had happened? It looked like the wreckage of some sort of explosion. 

But where was everyone?

"Guys?" you called. You listened, wishing you had Techno's hearing. "Hello?" you called again.

A soft moan reached your ears. You turned, looking for its source. It sounded like someone was injured.

You picked your way through the rubble of what used to be a beautiful room over to a shape on the ground. 

A shape covered in scrapes and stones.

"Dream?" you said softly, moving over to him.

"Surprised to see me on the floor?" he rasped. 

You grinned. "Yeah," you answered.

He laughed, then winced as if it hurt him. "Me too," he agreed.

You took a better look at his condition. He was covered in cuts and bruises. Larger scrapes and gashes adorned his arms and torso. There was a shard of netherrack embedded in his left leg. 

"Man, I wish I had a couch pillow right now. I might finally get you," you joked.

"Never," he objected. "You're much too slow."

"Well, I'm more awesome, so there," you decided.

"Sure," he snorted, then broke into a fit of coughing. Pain touched your senses.

"Are you alright?" you asked.

He chuckled, then winced again. "Obviously I'm in perfect health," he answered. "And I've already used all my healing potions."

"I'd give you any if I had some," you said, looking around. "Are you the only one here? What happened?"

He gave you an incredulous look. "You don't know?" he asked.

Taken- A Dream SMP FanficWhere stories live. Discover now